Active Users:354 Time:12/03/2025 08:16:48 AM
I really wanted to enjoy that a lot. It was good, but not amazing, imo. Rebekah Send a noteboard - 05/07/2010 05:28:53 PM
Sandman, however...

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
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One simple question: - 01/07/2010 11:00:44 PM 1580 Views
Lolita *NM* - 01/07/2010 11:13:10 PM 589 Views
Paradise Lost *NM* - 01/07/2010 11:23:22 PM 614 Views
I have the most beautiful copy of Paradise Lost. - 03/07/2010 12:11:40 AM 1052 Views
I only have the cheap paperback from my grad school years - 03/07/2010 12:19:07 AM 1015 Views
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. - 01/07/2010 11:31:52 PM 1058 Views
What is it about? - 03/07/2010 12:14:27 AM 1098 Views
Zen and maintaining motorcycles. *NM* - 03/07/2010 03:44:44 AM 517 Views
*NM* - 03/07/2010 09:39:43 AM 496 Views
The Aeneid, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Macbeth come to mind. *NM* - 02/07/2010 02:29:13 AM 583 Views
I really didn't like Macbeth. - 03/07/2010 12:12:15 AM 1073 Views
It's so wonderfully quotable. - 03/07/2010 12:32:39 AM 974 Views
I'm amazed by these responses. - 02/07/2010 07:10:31 PM 1198 Views
I spent most of my time trying to decide... - 02/07/2010 07:22:26 PM 1141 Views
Same *NM* - 05/07/2010 10:36:59 AM 533 Views
I was a bit too. - 02/07/2010 08:03:29 PM 1111 Views
Well, I know you are, dear. - 05/07/2010 07:45:29 AM 1168 Views
I'm usually in your camp. - 02/07/2010 11:13:35 PM 1052 Views
Fair enough. *NM* - 05/07/2010 07:45:51 AM 516 Views
Then you need to read more. *shrug* - 02/07/2010 11:23:24 PM 1121 Views
RE: insecure - 05/07/2010 07:49:42 AM 1209 Views
You are not excused. - 02/07/2010 11:40:16 PM 1236 Views
Wow. That read enough like Tom that I had to check to make sure it was you. *NM* - 02/07/2010 11:57:26 PM 541 Views
Yeah, it did kinda read like that - 03/07/2010 12:00:17 AM 1160 Views
I take that as a compliment and concur completely with Larry's statement. - 03/07/2010 06:48:05 PM 1064 Views
Heh. I suspected you would. Nice quote. *NM* - 03/07/2010 09:50:55 PM 551 Views
Asking me who I am? Are you kidding? *NM* - 05/07/2010 07:50:53 AM 523 Views
Were you above? - 05/07/2010 08:21:15 AM 1082 Views
You make me want to sing - 05/07/2010 02:32:37 PM 1338 Views
And you make me want to cover my ears - 05/07/2010 07:57:12 PM 1057 Views
Not sure why you're saying that.. - 05/07/2010 08:16:05 PM 1255 Views
I just don't ever want to hear you sing - 05/07/2010 08:36:51 PM 1007 Views
I'm a literary snob? Really? Cool! - 03/07/2010 12:23:55 AM 1035 Views
Fair enough. *NM* - 05/07/2010 07:51:21 AM 475 Views
What is yours? - 05/07/2010 05:19:23 AM 1311 Views
Wraeththu by Storm Constantine is mine. - 05/07/2010 07:51:59 AM 1157 Views
I will read that one day. When I can find it. *NM* - 05/07/2010 11:09:32 PM 506 Views
You should. It's excellent. *NM* - 07/07/2010 06:14:40 AM 455 Views
Re: I'm not excusing you. You're incredibly mean right now. - 09/07/2010 08:33:02 AM 1067 Views
There are many but - 02/07/2010 08:33:44 PM 1126 Views
Re: There are many but - 03/07/2010 12:12:33 AM 926 Views
Easy. The Mahabharatha... - 02/07/2010 11:55:27 PM 1049 Views
Don't tell Roh. - 03/07/2010 12:13:57 AM 976 Views
Which one? - 03/07/2010 12:59:43 AM 1049 Views
Re: Which one? - 05/07/2010 05:28:08 PM 1131 Views
There's a "proper one"? - 06/07/2010 06:03:55 PM 977 Views
It is big. - 08/07/2010 12:14:24 AM 1057 Views
Re: I sent her Kamala Subramaniam's translation. - 09/07/2010 08:20:43 AM 1086 Views
Ahhh... One of my favorites... - 09/07/2010 05:24:55 PM 1406 Views
It's spelled "Mahabharata". - 03/07/2010 06:51:09 PM 994 Views
That's not how it is pronounced though... - 03/07/2010 08:54:27 PM 1048 Views
Traditional pronunciation vs. modern pronunciation - 03/07/2010 09:47:52 PM 1025 Views
I learned Sanskrit for years... - 04/07/2010 01:28:34 AM 957 Views
However... - 04/07/2010 02:31:00 AM 989 Views
Re: Ew. *NM* - 09/07/2010 08:57:03 AM 501 Views
Re: I should have read the thread before bothering to give my skimpy response! - 09/07/2010 08:26:35 AM 1278 Views
Re: Actually, I think those two letter would get an "hh". *NM* - 09/07/2010 08:25:57 AM 509 Views
Re: Yes, but at no point is that war a good thing. - 09/07/2010 08:24:57 AM 1247 Views
American Gods. *NM* - 03/07/2010 04:49:18 AM 521 Views
I really wanted to enjoy that a lot. It was good, but not amazing, imo. - 05/07/2010 05:28:53 PM 1035 Views
Totally agree. Great concept that fell short. *NM* - 06/07/2010 02:46:55 AM 481 Views
Shogun - 03/07/2010 03:08:04 PM 1051 Views
I've been tempted a few times. - 05/07/2010 05:29:18 PM 1156 Views
huh. I always felt that... - 05/07/2010 10:00:29 PM 974 Views
I really liked Tai Pan as well. - 06/07/2010 12:37:58 PM 1067 Views
I'd have to say Noble House is the most impressive of the three. - 06/07/2010 01:30:11 PM 1052 Views
A few that come to mind: Doctor Zhivago, Master & Margarita and Brothers Karamazov - 03/07/2010 06:53:25 PM 1048 Views
I've only read Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. - 05/07/2010 05:30:45 PM 972 Views
It's one of the weaker ones of his "famous" novels. - 06/07/2010 08:08:27 PM 1021 Views
I was somewhat disappointed by the Picture of Dorian Gray - 07/07/2010 05:33:31 AM 971 Views
To Kill a Mockingbird - 05/07/2010 02:30:44 PM 1198 Views
It is excellent. - 05/07/2010 05:31:21 PM 979 Views
Catch-22 *NM* - 06/07/2010 02:27:57 AM 704 Views
+1 *NM* - 06/07/2010 06:07:59 PM 467 Views
A few years ago I would have thought you crazy for this. - 08/07/2010 12:15:02 AM 938 Views
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - 06/07/2010 06:09:12 PM 1017 Views
Hm. - 08/07/2010 12:15:27 AM 1094 Views

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