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Showing 1 to 20 of 46 results Next >>
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Showing 1 to 20 of 46 results Next >>
Re: clearly? charlene 10/01/2011 08:08:54 PM 791    
Re: Old wisdoms charlene 29/12/2010 09:07:26 PM 787    
Re: Nope. charlene 26/12/2010 03:22:38 PM 660    
Re: I'm actually pretty sure that BS ruled it out charlene 05/12/2010 07:56:57 PM 568    
LOL!! I don't believe it either but it *would* be funny charlene 05/12/2010 07:52:43 PM 309 Yes  
Re: /Theory: Visions of the Future charlene 01/12/2010 11:35:54 AM 593    
Demandred's alter ego charlene 01/12/2010 12:09:09 AM 1175    
Re: /Theory: Visions of the Future charlene 30/11/2010 11:59:49 PM 649    
Re: /Theory: Visions of the Future charlene 30/11/2010 11:57:07 PM 737    
Re: A small thing, really charlene 29/11/2010 09:19:16 AM 749    
Re: Have some question charlene 29/11/2010 09:13:17 AM 541    
Re: Have some question charlene 28/11/2010 06:50:40 PM 539    
Re: Have some question charlene 28/11/2010 05:54:10 PM 580    
Not so much charlene 27/11/2010 09:52:23 PM 736    
Re: Interesting theory charlene 18/11/2010 10:16:40 PM 625    
Re: OH!!!!!!!!!!! *raises hands and waves franticaly* charlene 18/11/2010 09:47:18 AM 624    
Re: Almost definitely not charlene 17/11/2010 10:53:43 AM 488    
Re: Not right now, at least charlene 17/11/2010 10:47:39 AM 597    
She Dreamed about him breaking the seals just before he arrived and it filled her with dread NM charlene 15/11/2010 12:24:03 AM 438 Yes  
Re: The Seanchan *spoilers* charlene 09/11/2010 05:15:03 PM 731