Active Users:1158 Time:22/11/2024 06:29:54 PM
Rodel Ituralde gaurding the blight in Saldea - Edit 1

Before modification by Timthetrolloc at 30/03/2010 02:19:18 AM

So, In tGS Rodel is recruited by Rand and taken to Saldea with the remains of his army to guard Saldea from a mass invasion of trollocs from the Blight. He did this only because the Dragon Reborn promised him that he would drive the Seanchan from Arad Doman and make peace with them. Well as of the end of tGS Rands attention is 100 percent not on Arad Doman.

How do you think Rodel will react when he finds out his homeland is still starving and fleeing from the Seanchan invasion that will probably come? Also how would you feel if you were him?
The promise by Rand was broken imho. Rand left Arad Doman without even looking back. Leaving the country to fend for itself without even Ituralde there for effective leadership. His biggest failure yet in regard to him conquering the nations.

Of course with the Last Battle looming over everyone Rodel might not even care about his homeland soon in the face of the battles he surely must soon fight against the Shadow.

If I have a prediction it is that Rodel Ituralde will die in The Last Battle just like the nation of Arad Doman will. He most likely will literally be swept away by trollocs. Just as his country was swept from the map by chaos and invasion.

Side note. Where do all the trollocs come from? They breed right? Aren't the Myrdraal some kind of messed up children that the trollocs have? I'm just asking because I am thinking that there will be a whole crap load of trollocs fighting in the last battle and I am not sure what can possibly sustain them in the Blight? Surely that many can't hunt. I guess they could just breed like crazy and eat eachother when they run out of food. Damn, thats kind of disturbing isn't it.

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