Active Users:414 Time:12/03/2025 05:48:11 PM
*sigh* - Edit 3

Before modification by DomA at 27/03/2010 08:50:30 AM

If Maria answers a question, MAFO, it relieves him of any legal responsibly, as Maria was hired by Jim & Harriet, not Brandon.

ROTLOL! The MAFOs have very little to do with Brandon's NDA (he has no contract with TOR for WOT, Brandon's is hired and paid by the succession just like Maria and both of them are under NDAs. It's totally routine. I've signed dozens in my career. Nothing will happen to Brandon just because he makes a slip or says too much by accident except he might piss Harriet off (and he's done so before.. and behold, he still has all his fingers and his teeth and Harriet still perfectly trusts him to do Q&As). He has Harriet's permission to do these Q&A, and no doubt he has her guidelines about what he can and can't answer. Things that impacts on books 13-14 notably. He's not allowed to say much that would touch on the prequels/sequels either. She probably told him in a general way about the sort of material from the notes she prefers he doesn't go into. All those are RAFOs, not MAFOs...

Beside being a deterrent and a reminder to your employee you're serious about information leaks, the NDA is just an additional legal protection for Harriet, in case someone with privileged information like Brandon suddenly decided to leak information, for any reason. A standard NDA basically says "If you leak privileged information without permission, the contract between us is null and void and you expose yourself to a lawsuit." It's far easier for the employer to plead the breach of contract in court if you've signed an NDA. In case of creative content, you might even add copyright violation into the mix under some circumstances.

Brandon's explained quite clearly that a) MAFOs are not RAFOs. Unlike a RAFO he would answer a MAFO question if he could, but he doesn't know the answer and prefers not to guess. He would have to ask Maria and find out what the answer might be. And b) Not to expect him to send all the MAFOs to Maria for real.... Luckers from DM collected some of them to send Maria, not Brandon.

Brandon coined the expression as a joke one evening Maria was also present at the Q&A.

You're getting MAFOs because a) you seem to think Brandon is a walking database of every little detail in RJ's notes. Newflash: he didn't get the time to read most of them that were not pertinent to what he's written so far and b) Some of your questions are barely coherent and you alone seem to believe they are relevant to some big secret and c) if your twitter exchanges if any sign you don't approach him as a normal fan would, you came off as an obsessive and slightly deranged stalker who won't accept no answer. Brandon ended up telling you he thought the customs started only among desert Aiel but he wasn't sure. You kept insisting and insisting and insisting. He eventually had to tell you he had to work to get you off his back.

Speaking of that, pleased get off mine. I don't care that you've seem my opinion of you, I wouldn't have posted it publicly if I did, but I find you extremely time wasting and annoying and have no intention of further interacting with you.

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