Active Users:517 Time:12/03/2025 02:01:15 PM
Noal's real motivations are unknown, he was a pawn of Ishamael's and more. Dida Send a noteboard - 27/03/2010 05:22:16 AM
RJ pretty much wrapped this issue up back when Noal volunteered himself to go into the Tower in KoD.

Mat listened to Noal's offer to be the 3rd man, however Mat never accepted this offer. There is no scene of Mat accepting Noal's offer in either KoD or tGS books to take him to the Tower of Ghenjei.

Melindhra expressed interest in Mat once before too... did that make her the Daughter of Nine Moons? Of course, Mat later had to kill Melindhra a Jumai sept Shiado clan Maiden, in tFoH book, as she tried to kill him on Rahvin's order with a knife to frame the murder at Sammael's hands. Melindhra was a darkfriend.

It is not like Mat is not going to disallow Noal go at this point. Noal is a legend and has the skills to help Mat. Nobody else really makes sense.

What is the reasoning for Noal not going?

What reason?

Mat does not fully trust Noal for one. Even Noal acknowledges this fact verbally, to Mat in the Palace in Ebou Dar in one earlier scene.

Noal has not answered all of Mat's questions about his background for two.

Source: The Crossroads of Twilight book - Chapter 1 "Time to Be Gone" - Mat point of view with Noal

When Mat only glanced at him, Noal shrugged and went back to peering at the tarred wooden float bobbing among the sparse reeds. Now and then he worked one gnarled hand as though his crooked fingers felt the chill particularly, but if so, it was his own fault. The old fool had gone wading in the shallows to scoop up minnows for bait with a basket that now sat half-submerged and anchored by a smooth stone at the edge of the water. Despite his complaints about the weather, Noal had come along to the river without urging or invitation. From things he had said, everyone he cared about was long years dead, and the truth of it was, he seemed almost desperate for any sort of company. Desperate, indeed, to choose Mat’s company when he could be five days from Ebou Dar by now. A man could cover a lot of ground in five days if he had reason to and a good horse. Mat had thought on that very subject often enough himself.

He never told Mat the real reason, why he choose Mat's company.

Source: The Crossroads of Twilight book - Chapter 28 'A Cluster of Rosebuds' - Mat point of view with Noal.

“I wonder what they want?” Noal said behind him, and Mat gave a jump that let a torrent of rain into his cowl and down his neck. He wished the knobbly old man would quit sneaking up on him.“I intend to find out,” he muttered, jerking his cloak straight. He hardly knew why he bothered. His coat was only a little damp, but his linen shirt was already soaked.

Oddly enough, Noal was no longer with him when he reached the gray-streaked wagon with its fading whitewash where the Aes Sedai and sul’dam slept. The man liked sticking his nose in everywhere. Maybe he had decided he was wet enough.

Why is Noal always sneaking up on Mat?

Source: The Crossroads of Twilight book - Chapter 2 "Two Captains" - Mat point of view with Noal, Juilin et la.

Abruptly, Noal darted around from the rear of the tent, breathing hard as if he had been running. Juilin glanced up in surprise at the old man, and Mat frowned. He had told Noal to come straight here. Where had he gone instead? Noal looked at him expectantly, not with any guilt or embarrassment, just eager to hear what Mat had to say.

Roughly ten paragraphs later, look at Mat's thoughts:

Source: The Crossroads of Twilight book - Chapter 2 "Two Captains" - Mat point of view with Noal, Juilin et la.

Mat started to ask Noal where he had been, but the old man darted nimbly after Juilin, calling over his shoulder that he would help let the others know the show was leaving. Well, two could spread the word faster than one—Vanin and the four surviving Redarms shared a crowded tent on one side of the show, while Noal himself shared another with Thom and the two serving men, Lopin and Nerim, on the opposite side—and the question could wait. Probably, he had just delayed to put his precious fish somewhere safe. In any case, the question suddenly seemed unimportant.

Unimportant? Ha! If it's that unimportant to the story, this part would have been edited out the story.

Mat never told Noal when nor where he was going to leave Ebou Dar for, remember? So Noal never had a chance to tell who ever his handler is this information.... But in the two above quotes Noal mysteriously disappeared for a time and Mat noticed it; so where & to whom did Noal report to & why?

Then third there is the mysterious issue of Noal's memories. Why are they a blank? As if he has been subject to Compulsion?
There are many, many text examples of Noal's memory issues across the series, whether from Noal's own or someone else's point of view.

Remember Loial's story of an ill man going to Stedding Shangtai, and speaking of a danger to the 'Eye of the World' to the Ogier Elders? That was Noal. A man used as a tool by Ishamael, then.

If Noal was used in the past, why would Ishamael let him go free? He's a pawn in Ishamael/Moridin's plans as is already. Once a pawn always a pawn.

That much has been known about Noal for a very long time.


Moving into speculation about Noal future role in the series:

We know Noal is comfortable suggesting to Mat, to kill Amathera if given the okay...

Source: The Crossroads of Twilight book - Chapter 28 "A Cluster of Rosebuds" - Mat point of view with Noal.

“Of course I can follow them,” Noal said, with a gap-toothed grin that said it would be child’s play. Laying a gnarled finger alongside his bent nose, he slipped the other knobbly hand beneath his coat, where he kept his knives. “Are you sure it wouldn’t be better just to make sure she can’t talk to anyone? Just a suggestion, lad. If you say not, then not.” Mat most emphatically said not. He had killed one woman in his life, and left another to be butchered. He was not going to add a third to his soul.

Seeing that Noal is willing to kill an innocent person on a supposed whim, what else could he do?

We know Noal is currently in Caemlyn now, and that there are political prisoners, Warders, Darkfriends and Black Aes Sedai currently being held under watch by the Queens' Guards & the Kin. Would Moridin decide to order all these darkfriends & Black Ajah killed, as someone prevently ordered Slayer to kill Amico & Joiya in the Stone once before?

Daved Hanlon/Doilin Mellar, Shiane each know who Moridin is, after all. They know Moridin is/was ultimately in charge of their actions. Falion knows who Moridin is as well.

We know that the personal secretary Jaq Lounalt formerly employed by Arymilla Marne now works for Sylvase. A personal secretary who Sylvase wanted to question Arymilla, Elenia and Naean. Elayne said no this request of Sylvase's (KoD,Ch.33), however two Chapters later Elayne asked for Jaq Lounalt to question the captured Black Ajah sisters & Doilin Mellar.

For all we know Jaq Lounalt is the unknown individual from the House of Marne, who visited Shiane previously (CoT, Ch.15). If so, what good or ill could Jaq be up? Escape plan? Murder? Or something else?

I suspect Jaq already knows who Falion is, and that Falion would recognize Jaq Lounalt (CoT, Ch.15). It's not proof though, I'd agree.

One possibly angle for Noal's story, is the possible connection between Amathera and Jaq Lounalt. Huh, you ask? Amathera might know who Lounalt is for one. How? They're names are similar, they maybe some how be related. Amathera's full name is Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault. There is only a difference of a missing "u" in Jaq's last name Lounalt, and Amathera's last name 'Lounault'. Both are native Taraboners' as well.

Could Noal be ordered by Moridin to kill Amathera to cover-up the doing's of Jaq Lounalt in Caemlyn? After all, why was a native Taraboner working for Lady Arymilla of House Marne in the first place? Let alone now working for Sylvase?

Amathera loathed Temaile in Tarabon. I can imagine her happiness upon hearing that Temaile is a prisoner in Caemlyn. Besides all the other captured Black Ajah who tormented Amathera in Tarabon earlier.

I do not know what is going to occur between Amathera, Jaq, Noal et la in Caemlyn. It just seems to be a highly fishy situation. I do not claim to predict what exactly Noal's character is going to do in Caemlyn in ToM book. Although I highly doubtful Noal will enter the Tower of Ghenjei with Mat, Thom; regardless whether that scene occurs in ToM or AMoL books.

Noal still has too many memory issues to resolve.

Wonder what a Hurin or Perrin would smell of Noal, if they ever met him?

All can say is, I already understand why the next book, Towers of Midnight, might take a while longer for Brandon to write. All the manifold of dangling story arcs, characters, future tellings create a seemingly difficulty situation to resolve in a straight forward manner. There's far more to needed be accomplish in Caemlyn alone in the next book, than what occurred in Tar Valon in tGS book, in my judgment.

That's all for now,
Thanks for reading,
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Signing report with some speculations - 23/03/2010 12:37:18 PM 3027 Views
Heh, the Dragonmount Twitter directs here. Who's the spy? - 23/03/2010 02:46:11 PM 1032 Views
Heh. On the subject of the source, some more interesting tweets - 23/03/2010 05:56:53 PM 938 Views
Re: Signing report with some speculations - 23/03/2010 02:59:37 PM 1097 Views
Re: Signing report with some speculations - 23/03/2010 03:42:32 PM 941 Views
Re: Signing report with some speculations - 23/03/2010 05:09:25 PM 980 Views
Re: Signing report with some speculations - 23/03/2010 05:23:44 PM 955 Views
Brandon Sanderson bought up Sulin, not me.... - 24/03/2010 07:18:41 AM 1394 Views
Cadsuane's ? - 24/03/2010 07:46:25 PM 999 Views
I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report... - 23/03/2010 05:55:35 PM 965 Views
Re: I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report... - 23/03/2010 07:13:25 PM 937 Views
Re: I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report... - 23/03/2010 08:44:58 PM 820 Views
Re: I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report... - 23/03/2010 08:47:34 PM 790 Views
Re: I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report... - 23/03/2010 11:48:18 PM 986 Views
Re: I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report... - 24/03/2010 11:49:01 AM 754 Views
Re: bridges - 25/03/2010 08:13:08 AM 737 Views
Ugh. There's someone you wouldn't want to be stuck in an elevator with. *NM* - 23/03/2010 06:49:24 PM 480 Views
Foretelling by Hurin's nose? - 23/03/2010 09:06:07 PM 1715 Views
Re: Foretelling by Hurin's nose? - 24/03/2010 12:25:41 AM 1439 Views
Is it actually possible that Moiraine's rescue will not occur in ToM? - 23/03/2010 10:40:39 PM 818 Views
Re: Is it actually possible that Moiraine's rescue will not occur in ToM? - 24/03/2010 12:22:31 AM 1230 Views
Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get how that could be. - 24/03/2010 12:26:07 AM 845 Views
lol - 25/03/2010 05:31:55 PM 871 Views
um, dumb question, but what is MAFO?? *NM* - 24/03/2010 04:19:36 AM 603 Views
Re: um, dumb question, but what is MAFO?? - 24/03/2010 09:12:00 AM 2304 Views
MAFO are not a joke. It's a way to transfer legal responsibly from Brandon to Maria & Harriet too. - 27/03/2010 01:42:53 AM 2056 Views
*sigh* - 27/03/2010 08:47:13 AM 986 Views
Don't suppose you have a link to the Mistborn Q&A, do you? - 24/03/2010 07:35:01 AM 801 Views
I still don't understand why people think Noal will not enter the Tower of Ghenjei - 24/03/2010 10:56:29 PM 966 Views
I agree, Noal is a given as the third man. *NM* - 25/03/2010 09:29:16 AM 404 Views
Noal's real motivations are unknown, he was a pawn of Ishamael's and more. - 27/03/2010 05:22:16 AM 1106 Views

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