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There is no room for such a list. This is only the internet. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 26/03/2010 06:18:31 AM
Can anyone point me to a list of various mistakes, inaccuracies, continuity errors, etc. in TGS?



A few that spring immediately to mind:
- Sulin being in Rand's entourage in Arad Domon.
- Gareth Bryne claiming to have been a common soldier during the Aiel War (Morgase's reign) despite being said to have served at a high rank with multiple queens.
- Wildly different portrayal of Rand's warder bonds, with him and Min wondering how the other feels when in the exact same room, but identifying Elayne's emotions from halfway across the continent.
- An Aiel chieftain refering to his homeland as the Aiel Waste.
- Sanderson is apparently too lazy to type "Dragon Reborn" and frequently substitutes "Dragon" in places where characters would say the former or "Lord Dragon." Except in discussions of his role in prophecy, etc. no one in the first 11 books refers to Rand as "the Dragon." He is always "the Dragon Reborn" or the "Lord Dragon." This is admittedly a small thing, but it is representative of how different the writing is. It is not a question of style or taste, so much as ignoring an established practice or useage. There are other similar issues that are less easy to pin down, but characters whose lack of sophistication has been subtly reflected in their speech patterns and PoV narration are suddenly much more erudite or rhetorical. Characters who were very direct and straitforward are suddenly speaking elliptically. Eloquent or subtle characters are blurting things out in awkward phrasings or plainfaced terms.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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TGS Mistakes - 25/03/2010 05:52:19 PM 1456 Views
Why? If you can't spot them yourself, then obviously for you its not an issue. *NM* - 26/03/2010 04:25:22 AM 246 Views
Huh? - 26/03/2010 07:42:47 PM 669 Views
Re: Huh? - 26/03/2010 08:45:23 PM 657 Views
Thanks *NM* - 30/03/2010 03:45:22 PM 246 Views
There is no room for such a list. This is only the internet. - 26/03/2010 06:18:31 AM 733 Views
Re: There is no room for such a list. This is only the internet. - 27/03/2010 08:46:22 PM 591 Views
Actually, that was a mistake. - 30/03/2010 04:43:49 PM 688 Views
The veracity of this has been in question IIRC - 08/04/2010 11:36:10 AM 496 Views
Only one that REALLY stood out to me: - 26/03/2010 01:49:34 PM 814 Views
I agree, that really made me groan! - 27/03/2010 11:32:42 AM 738 Views
Yep. Mat was funny, but not like he used to be. - 27/03/2010 11:02:24 PM 667 Views
Re: Only one that REALLY stood out to me: - 28/03/2010 08:11:37 AM 648 Views
Re: Only one that REALLY stood out to me: - 28/03/2010 11:13:37 AM 594 Views
yeah, but I laughed out loud at it - 09/04/2010 02:16:20 AM 472 Views

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