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Re: Yeah... Etzel Send a noteboard - 25/03/2010 10:17:40 AM
You just have the feeling that Taim might know how to contact Slayer, but that is no proof at all.

There's no real proof that he's a DF either, but I'd be willing to bet anything that he is. My main reason for thinking Taim is Slayer's patron is that 1, he likely has good contact with the Asha'man and therefore knows where Rand is staying and 2, has a very good reason for hiding who he is, since Slayer may not take orders from him if Slayer didn't think he was one of the Forsaken and the other Forsaken might see Taim as a threat if he is able to order Slayer around. I don't see Aran'gar or Osan'gar being in contact with the Asha'man so I can't see how either of them would know where to send Slayer.

That Taim is a DF is indeed clear from dozens of clues we got. However, just being DF, doesn't mean that you know how to reach Slayer, since it's a privilege.

There were also Forsaken involved with the DF Asha'man, especially Osan'gar, who attacked Rand with them in the end of PoD. It makes also sense that Osan'gar would use a disguise, because he might fear punishment from Moridin as a "Last Chance-Forsaken". On the other hand, Taim already sent the AM without a disguise. Therefore it doesn't really make sense for him to use a disguise when dealing with Slayer, especially if a Forsaken (Moridin?) told him how to reach Slayer to use his services.

Slayer attacked/killed people e.g. in the WT, in TAR, in the Stone and in the Blight, after stalking and spying on them. This is similar to Asmo's end.

Who does Slayer stalk and kill? Yes, he killed a grey man in the Tower, though that was likely either the one Nynaeve had bound or the one left in Sheriam's bed, neither of which was stalked. We've seen him spying on the Wonder Girls, but once spotted he ran, obviously he wasn't there to kill anyone. But none of the kills we know of are anything like Asmo's.

He also killed Janduin for example. Egwene also mentions that Slayer is staking in TAR in LoC, and the BA Temaile in WH. And of course we see Slayer attacking/hunting Perrin, the Wondergirls, Fain before LoC.

It makes no sense that the careful Graendal strolls a few hours after Rahvin's death through some random corridors of the Caemlyn Palace (Rahvin's appartments were where Rand is), especially without a disguise (though she even often wears a MoM, when she is in her own lair). In Sammael's case, Graendal positively knew at least that he had found a stasis box and thus went there. Of course, all these actions of Graendal were not known at the end of TFoH. At this time, Graendal was one of the Forsaken we hardly knew. Finally, balefire wasn't the weapon. RJ's comment about the DO's inability to transmigrate Asmo because of the manner and the location made this clear.

Graendal isn't far from Rand, and hence Rahvin's apartments, it's not like she'd want to go there while Rand is around. The only time she uses MoM in her own lair is when she's meeting people who expect her to be the Lady Basene(if I'm remembering the name correctly) but not on a normal basis. There had to be a number of meetings between the Forsaken that we didn't see, maybe Rahvin had something that made Graendal think his lair might be worth looting. You really want to start with using just what is known at the end of tFoH? Cause really Slayer isn't much of a known quality at that point either. We don't know that he is an assassin, merely an agent of the Shadow, who was apparently a Dreamer. The fact is that RJ was completely wrong about it being intuitively obvious at the time it occured, therefore his comments, unless direct answers, like the one where he said "death took him." is not a play on words to indicate that Moridin took him, are not really viable in this arguement. RJ's comment does not preclude balefire, it may indicate that only a very tiny amount was used, which would normally allow the DO to grab Asmo's soul, and that along with where Asmo died is why the DO couldn't have snagged his soul.

When Graendal & Sammael deal with the Shaido, they also use disguises. Besides that, it would rather fit Graendal's MO to use Compulsion and capture Asmo to get informations, not immediately kill him.

It's really clear before LoC from the Dark Prophecy in TGH, his actions in TSR and the comments about him, that Slayer was "created" by the DO as an assassin or bounty hunter for the Shadow, since he can e.g. use TAR in the flesh and order Shadowspawn.

Regarding the balefire, see above. Slayer's likely poisoned crossbow was simply too fast and too surprising, IMO.

Slayer hasn't proven to be that great of a shot and the poison we've seen him use wasn't fast acting, therefore making it unlikely that Slayer killed Asmo.

Actually Slayer's poison is immediately working in WH, ch.22. As often said, if Slayer didn't manage to shot Perrin or Nynaeve, it's for plot-reasons, not to indicate that he is unable. After all, Luc was trained as a Warder, and Isam probably has super Malkier warrior genes like Lan has.
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i think i found a new stick to beat the dead asmo horse - 05/03/2010 06:44:39 PM 1364 Views
How & Where? - 05/03/2010 10:52:06 PM 758 Views
Re: How & Where? - 08/03/2010 11:30:54 PM 460 Views
Graendal Did It - 06/03/2010 05:34:32 AM 564 Views
I think so, too, up to a factor of 70% *NM* - 08/03/2010 03:49:38 PM 227 Views
Re: Graendal Did It - 08/03/2010 10:54:02 PM 513 Views
Re: Graendal Did It - 09/03/2010 04:00:51 PM 459 Views
Wait, what? - 18/03/2010 01:32:32 AM 479 Views
Regardless - 06/03/2010 11:05:53 AM 616 Views
Re: Regardless - 06/03/2010 09:21:49 PM 582 Views
bah - 06/03/2010 10:55:09 PM 548 Views
Yeah, comparing Rand and Asmo... - 08/03/2010 08:06:49 AM 535 Views
So answer me this.... - 08/03/2010 03:40:30 PM 689 Views
Re: So answer me this.... - 08/03/2010 11:01:04 PM 567 Views
Tell me your not serious... - 09/03/2010 02:57:51 AM 438 Views
Slayer's patron knew where Rand was staying - 17/03/2010 06:28:50 PM 587 Views
Very unlikely that the patron was Taim... - 17/03/2010 06:44:44 PM 1131 Views
I call BS, not Brandon Sanderson - 18/03/2010 03:09:29 AM 564 Views
- 18/03/2010 10:15:46 AM 1086 Views
Re: - 18/03/2010 05:58:17 PM 639 Views
As said... - 18/03/2010 06:52:09 PM 496 Views
Re: As said... - 19/03/2010 05:27:15 PM 533 Views
Re: As said... - 20/03/2010 09:46:26 AM 467 Views
Re: As said... - 22/03/2010 03:31:02 AM 501 Views
Yeah... - 22/03/2010 10:02:48 AM 588 Views
Re: Yeah... - 24/03/2010 07:55:52 PM 546 Views
Re: Yeah... - 25/03/2010 10:17:40 AM 600 Views
Re: Yeah... - 29/03/2010 04:21:08 AM 590 Views
I guess we will have to read and find out... *NM* - 29/03/2010 09:51:02 AM 523 Views
Fain is not easy to kill. *NM* - 18/03/2010 12:05:52 AM 228 Views
How do you figure? - 18/03/2010 03:12:33 AM 434 Views
Personally... - 18/03/2010 10:33:55 AM 452 Views
Well... - 24/03/2010 12:18:12 AM 599 Views
Re: Regardless - 08/03/2010 10:56:20 PM 427 Views
You can only channel Spirit while sleeping... - 09/03/2010 04:21:32 AM 627 Views
Though Nyn channeled fire though Moggy... - 09/03/2010 04:22:40 AM 577 Views
Re: Regardless - 08/03/2010 11:35:44 PM 488 Views
Moiraine did it. - 08/03/2010 09:21:41 PM 460 Views
Re: Moiraine did it. - 09/03/2010 01:08:45 AM 444 Views
Ha. No, silly. - 09/03/2010 03:03:58 PM 478 Views
Re: Moiraine did it. - 17/03/2010 01:28:25 AM 413 Views
Same problem as Lanfear though... - 18/03/2010 01:46:48 AM 445 Views

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