His previous reports have featured BIG errors, contradicting what Brandon had said at previous signings (he's the one who reported that Brandon had gone on at length at his signings about Perrin and Mat's groups meeting and merging for good in TGS.
Dom, Brandon did say during his "Hero of Ages" book tour signing at the Borders Store in Torrance, CA that when Perrin & Mat met up they would stay together for good. Mind you that was BEFORE RJ's planned 'A Memory of Light' book was official approved by Harriet and Tor Inc to be split into three separate books. 'The Gathering Storm' wasn't even finished yet, during that book store signing in Torrance over what a year & half ago?
However, Brandon Sanderson at that same "Hero of Ages" book signing said Hurin was with the Borderlander's armies. That claimed by Brandon was proven to in fact be true, in 'The Gathering Storm'.
Was one of my predictions of Mat, Thom going to the Tower of Ghenjei in an attempt to save in tGS book incorrect? Yes, that prediction of mine was incorrect on its timing. Shrug. I have been open at Dragonmount Forum about this incorrect prediction. And, I later mentioned that one reason I was incorrect about this timing, I think, was I unfortunately under appreciated the character and role, Valan Luca. That under appreciation is still common every fan forum I've ever read. Few have ever thought that a character without a POV in the series is a Hero, let alone a reborn Hero and the 3rd man to go to the Tower of Ghenjei to attempt to rescue Moiraine.
Were my other predictions incorrect in tGS? Yes, some. I thought Alvirin and her cyphers were going to get captured, just like Terez did at Theoryland forum too. That did not occur in tGS book. However some things I got right were: Verin Sedai was part of the Black Ajah; Verin Sedai would die in tGS book; that Perrin & Galad's armies would meet up; Egwene becomes Amyrlin Seat; and Galad saving Egwene in the White Tower (but not the right place in the Tower, I thought 'cells'...not a floor 22-23).
Did I get everything correct about Verin Sedai? Nope. I missed the double-agent side of Verin Sedai working for the side of the Light. Even my guess of which route the Seanchan raid would take with their to'raken to arrive at the White Tower was off. I thought it would be over northern Altara into Andor then over the Caralain Grass; but in reality the route the Seanchan Generals choose was over Murandy. Yes, Murandy of all places. A place no one at Theoryland forum predicted before hand either. Yes, I'm not perfect in all my predictions. However, that's part of the fun in reading the series after 20 years of following it. Figuring out the puzzles and the mysteries is fun.
No one is perfect in their predictions, even the founder (Matt) of Theoryland forum himself was dead wrong about Verin Sedai role in series as shown by the publication of 'The Gathering Storm'. Matt also believes that Verin used a Compulsion weave on Alanna...which I do not agree with. Yet Mat is entitled to his own theories and predictions, as am I.
About Sulin, I would take it with a grain of salt until someone reliable reports Brandon saying that too. With Dida, there's a 50/50 chance he has it wrong!
I did not even bring up the topic of Sulin in at the Woodland Hill, B&N store. Brandon Sanderson bought up the subject himself, of Sulin. He said on his own that "Sulin was an Error". Brandon specifically used the word "Error" to describe Sulin's located twice.
My own 'opinion' after reading tGS book since November, was that Sulin being present in Arad Domon was not likely a mistake. Likewise, Brandon said during its prior Book tour that Sulin was accurately placed at multiple locations including Pasadena, CA during his original month long tour to kick off the publication of tGS book. So I had no reason to ask about Sulin, in Woodland Hills California. That is why I did a huge mental double-take when Brandon mentioned "Sulin being an Error" in tGS book, last night.
There were in fact 6 Wise Ones present with Perrin's group. That same group of 6 Wise Ones have previously communicated with 3 Aiel Dreamwalkers, in specific reference to Masema and the NEED to kill him. Six Wise Ones, and three Aiel Dreamwalkers all agreed that Masema should be kill, as he was a danger to Rand al'Thor in their judgment:
Source: The Path of Daggers book - Chapter 9 'Tangles' - Perrin pov with six Aiel Wise Ones:
Sarcasm was lost on them. They looked at him, unblinking. “The man must die,” Edarra said at last. “It is enough that three dreamwalkers have said so, and six Wise Ones tell you.” The same as always. Maybe they did not know any more than that. And maybe he should get on with why he had come.
Sarcasm was lost on them. They looked at him, unblinking. “The man must die,” Edarra said at last. “It is enough that three dreamwalkers have said so, and six Wise Ones tell you.” The same as always. Maybe they did not know any more than that. And maybe he should get on with why he had come.
Ever since this verbal acknowledgment of the three Aiel Dreamwalkers speaking in the Dreams of these six Aiel Wise Ones with Perrin, its open knowledge that a communication channel is open. Which meant that Amys, Bair, and Melaine could easily learn about what is occurring with Perrin's group, if they entered one of these six Wise One's dreams. They could have independently found out Perrin's location, if they so desired too.
So when Cadsuane goes over to visit Sorilea, Amys, Bair in tGS, Chapter 'A Promise to Lews Therin':
Amys nodded. "The Car'a'carn is stubborn beyond all men, Cadsuane Sedai. You have no toh toward us.
"Shame or toh," Cadsuane said, "it will all be irrelevant soon. But I have a plan. Will you help me?"
The Wise Ones shared a look among them.
"What is this plan?" Sorilea asked.
Cadsuane smiled, then began to explain.
"Shame or toh," Cadsuane said, "it will all be irrelevant soon. But I have a plan. Will you help me?"
The Wise Ones shared a look among them.
"What is this plan?" Sorilea asked.
Cadsuane smiled, then began to explain.
There are a few possible outcomes after this meeting.
Amys, Bair, Melaine could communicate with the six Wise Ones with Perrin's group. Or Bair could have found Gaul's dream, as he was with Perrin's Group. Its obvious Bair knows Gaul well enough to want to promote to become the next Clan Chief of the Shaarad. Likewise, Melanie could have found Chiad's dream, as each are of the Goshien Clan; it's common knowledge that Chiad went with Perrin's group from Cairhien. The general point is, if the Aiel Dreamwalkers want to find out where Perrin's Group was located in tGS book, they could have.
So it did not surprise me to see Sulin with Rand al'Thor in Arad Doman. I assumed there was some amount of communication between the Wise Ones, based on prior communication.
What I didn't fully grasp was why Cadsuane asked Nynaeve where Perrin was. Was it a test for Nynaeve, her loyal towards Rand and/or the need to overcome her stubbornness for the common good of the Pattern? Not that Cadsuane really needed locational information about Perrin's placement? Or did the Wise Ones not fully go along with Cadsuane's plan? However, that idea seems to bite the dust too, as Nynaeve walks in on Cadsuane, Amys, Bair, Melaine (tGS book, Chapter 37).
If Sulin was with Rand al'Thor in Arad Doman, that implies that some amount of prior communication between the Aiel with Perrin and the Aiel with Rand al'Thor. That's consistent with tPoD, Chapter Nine information.
It's quite possible they discovered in the end they blundered, but the whole comment about needing Maria to convince him about Sulin is a bit fishy (Dida also tends to embellish his stories).
I would like an apology later on.
Brandon literally said word for word, "Sulin is an Error". Twice in fact.
Brandon directly spoke of Maria convincing him of this too.
That's as cut and dried as it gets.
I've personally received a MAFO three times on the same darn question, to which I have not received an answer yet. So, yes I know who in fact Maria is. Yes, I know what the definition of a MAFO is.
This message last edited by Dida on 24/03/2010 at 07:22:15 AM
Signing report with some speculations
23/03/2010 12:37:18 PM
Re: Signing report with some speculations
23/03/2010 02:59:37 PM
Ok. I don't know that guy, but your assessment is somewhat sobering. *NM*
23/03/2010 03:08:19 PM
Re: Signing report with some speculations
23/03/2010 03:42:32 PM
Re: Signing report with some speculations
23/03/2010 05:23:44 PM
Read poorly? I'd settle for him being able to WRITE! That was horrible to read *NM*
23/03/2010 05:37:00 PM
Brandon Sanderson bought up Sulin, not me....
24/03/2010 07:18:41 AM
Even if Dida is unreliable, it doesn't matter, because that "report" is unreadable. *NM*
23/03/2010 04:30:18 PM
I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report...
23/03/2010 05:55:35 PM
Re: I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report...
23/03/2010 07:13:25 PM
Re: I sure as hell hope this is an inaccurate report...
23/03/2010 08:44:58 PM
Ugh. There's someone you wouldn't want to be stuck in an elevator with. *NM*
23/03/2010 06:49:24 PM
Is it actually possible that Moiraine's rescue will not occur in ToM?
23/03/2010 10:40:39 PM
Re: Is it actually possible that Moiraine's rescue will not occur in ToM?
24/03/2010 12:22:31 AM
Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get how that could be.
24/03/2010 12:26:07 AM
um, dumb question, but what is MAFO?? *NM*
24/03/2010 04:19:36 AM
Re: um, dumb question, but what is MAFO??
24/03/2010 09:12:00 AM
MAFO are not a joke. It's a way to transfer legal responsibly from Brandon to Maria & Harriet too.
27/03/2010 01:42:53 AM
I still don't understand why people think Noal will not enter the Tower of Ghenjei
24/03/2010 10:56:29 PM
Re: I still don't understand why people think Noal will not enter the Tower of Ghenjei
25/03/2010 03:53:59 PM
Noal's real motivations are unknown, he was a pawn of Ishamael's and more.
27/03/2010 05:22:16 AM