This is simply ment to support what perringoldeneyes
was saying about our friend Moiraine.
There are several things early on that are so bleedingly obvious it amazes me people arent buzzing about them.
Lets take a trip down memory lane untill we end up
in TDR. We have Perrin, Lan and of course Moiraine.
Fail and Loial are also in the scene I will refer to but they play no major role.
Perrin and co. arive in Illian in search for Rand
and stop at an inn. They are attacked by greymen(whatever happened to them anyway?)
was saying about our friend Moiraine.
There are several things early on that are so bleedingly obvious it amazes me people arent buzzing about them.
Lets take a trip down memory lane untill we end up
in TDR. We have Perrin, Lan and of course Moiraine.
Fail and Loial are also in the scene I will refer to but they play no major role.
Perrin and co. arive in Illian in search for Rand
and stop at an inn. They are attacked by greymen(whatever happened to them anyway?)
They ran out? Also, the good guys are too powerful and well guarded for them to be very effective. They did not know where Perrin and Mat were when Moridin ordered them killed, so they couldn't really send Gray Men after them - the assassination attempts were opportunistic. Rand has been hands-off for a while, Nynaeve has been lying low, and Egwene has been serving their purposes, so there has been no need to take them out.
and once they are disposed of Moiraine goes out into the city to look for information from unknown sources.She returns some time later and tells everyone that Sammael is the ruling lord in Illian,or the next thing to it.Does this seem strange? She goes out and finds that not just one the Forsaken rules,but she knows EXACTLY who he is.Not information even Thom could pick up in gossip over wine in an inn.
She has spies in Illian, such as the innkeeper. In cities of that era, people could spend their entire lives in a single neighborhood, especially if they had a business to run on a daily basis (including holidays, which we see are even busier for inns) that precluded long trips. To assume that a single innkeeper was capable of watching the whole city for Moiraine is absurd. If she had an interest in Illian (a city important to the end times, with its connection to the Horn of Valere), she had much more highly placed spies. The clues are not hard to figure out if you know what to look for, and as fionwe1987 notes, she could easily have read a surviving description of Sammael.They flee the city being chased by Darkhouse.They esscape Sammaels darkhounds by Moiraines use of balefire...where did she learn how to do that?
We see she has sources in odd places, like her connections with Vandene and Adeleas. And she's had 20 years of poking in weird places and sources. 20 years of knowing the Apocalypse will happen in your natural lifetime is a lot of incentive to power up.forbiden by tower law,alot of Aes Sedi not powerfull enough to use it undoutedly and wouldnt teach it to her even if they knew it.
You might be thinking right now that this is just coincedence.
Or the Pattern prepping her to be of use to Rand.You might be thinking right now that this is just coincedence.
Lets skip ahead shall we?Perrin and co get to Tear.
And as you no dout have guessed its the same story here. Moiraine leaves,comes back to tell everyone that she knows that Be'lal is the highlord Samen.(Spelling?)
Bel'al & Samon. Slip of the tongue by Darkfriend minions? She does have that near-Compulsion trick she used on the woman who tried to drug her in New Spring - interrogating a Darkfriend would be easy.And as you no dout have guessed its the same story here. Moiraine leaves,comes back to tell everyone that she knows that Be'lal is the highlord Samen.(Spelling?)
Our little Aes Sedi is becoming less inoccent by the chapter.
Lets jump forward to FoH.Its from Rands view after the scene on the docks.He is reading Moiraine letter.In it she reveals that she knows about Asmodean.She never refers to him by name but its obvious she knows the situation.This is not explainable by her going through the arches because
Asmodean identity disscused prior to the scene on the docks, or afterword for that matter.
I hate to give you so many questions with no provable response but I suppose we shall just have to wait to see what this chicks dark secret is.
-"there is always another secret."
Lets jump forward to FoH.Its from Rands view after the scene on the docks.He is reading Moiraine letter.In it she reveals that she knows about Asmodean.She never refers to him by name but its obvious she knows the situation.This is not explainable by her going through the arches because
Asmodean identity disscused prior to the scene on the docks, or afterword for that matter.
I hate to give you so many questions with no provable response but I suppose we shall just have to wait to see what this chicks dark secret is.
-"there is always another secret."
Asmodean is really quite simple - as you say, she never refers to him by name, so there is no proof she even knew who he was. Knowing he was a Forsaken should be obvious - she eavesdropped on his teaching sessions with Rand! Egwene CATCHES HER doing that. Recall the night after she & Nynaeve discover Siuan's overthrow. She goes by Rand's tent and peeks in to see him arguing with "Natael" in a private lesson where they had wanted Aviendha out of the tent. From his tent, she goes to Moiraine and finds her using her eavesropping stone. She challenges Moiraine claiming that Moiraine had said she would not spy on Rand anymore, and Moiraine replies that she only refused because the Wise Ones were already spying on his dreams. Once he blocked them out, she went back to doing spying. He learned to shield the Wise Ones out of his dreams from Asmodean. No doubt an additional motive for her resuming her spying is her suspicion of his suddenly aquisition of a new, non-intuitive skill. In any case, even if they never mentioned his true name, even if Asmodean never slipped up again and referred to "the Great Lord," the nature and context of their conversations would blatantly expose his origin.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
More Moiraine *spoilers*
11/03/2010 03:15:55 AM
Most of it can be easily explained...
11/03/2010 05:27:46 AM
That doesn't explain it
11/03/2010 06:01:23 AM
they were both recent additions to the ruling class... never heard of before, 1 + 1 = 2 *NM*
11/03/2010 09:32:49 AM
Illian and Moirain.
11/03/2010 08:57:40 AM
I had to stumble my way to the WoT board to find Jiggy, who knew?
14/03/2010 11:48:59 PM
Moiraine gathered informations about the Forsaken from books...
11/03/2010 09:22:18 AM
Re: Moiraine had an advantage
11/03/2010 10:42:50 AM
Re: Moiraine had an advantage
13/03/2010 12:07:50 AM
I'm betting just about any Aes Sedai could get into the royal library
13/03/2010 12:36:41 AM
What spoilers?
11/03/2010 11:26:02 AM