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Doseine is only weak in comparrison to the BA Hunting Sitters darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 28/02/2010 02:39:20 PM

I think you're confusing scenes here. Nynaeve thought this about Daigain, the weak Yellow who died when Semi escaped. As far as I can remember, Egwene never had any thoughts on the Aes Sedai hierarchy.

Daigian was White, not Yellow.

Is Doseine mentioned to be fairly weak? The Yellow Tower Sitter with the coarse mouth? I always thought there was a very weak Yellow sister running around with a name starting with "D". Thought for sure it was Daigian.

Yukiri, Saerin and Pevaara are all about the same level with Seaine and Doesine being weaker than them.

Odds are they are all well above "average" AS as they are Sitters and it's probable that Sitters are all toward the top of the AS Strength levels.

Egwene doesn't seem to deal with weak Sisters (outside of Siuan and Leane) very often.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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Theory: The Amyrlin, Tarmon Gaiden & Robert Jordan's Final Chapter - 02/12/2009 08:39:44 PM 2778 Views
Small nitpicking: - 02/12/2009 09:43:20 PM 1017 Views
Nitpick on the nitpick - 02/12/2009 09:50:31 PM 943 Views
nitpick on the nitpick on the nitpick - 03/12/2009 12:41:20 AM 825 Views
But she does even that logically. - 03/12/2009 02:21:37 AM 778 Views
Really? That surprises me. - 03/12/2009 02:25:07 AM 825 Views
Doseine is only weak in comparrison to the BA Hunting Sitters - 28/02/2010 02:39:20 PM 919 Views
Don't think so. - 02/12/2009 09:50:14 PM 890 Views
The Horn of Valere = The Horn of .. al'Vere - 02/12/2009 11:54:44 PM 898 Views
Interesting theory, but do you think the Wheel repeats itself that exactly? - 03/12/2009 02:27:42 AM 839 Views
May be not exactly that , but defenetly close - 03/12/2009 02:51:23 AM 818 Views
I thought about that... - 03/12/2009 03:04:15 AM 815 Views
Re: Theory: The Amyrlin, Tarmon Gaiden & Robert Jordan's Final Chapter - 03/12/2009 04:38:07 AM 984 Views
Elayne = Illeyna *NM* - 03/12/2009 04:43:37 AM 551 Views
bah...stupid n00b *NM* - 03/12/2009 04:43:46 AM 371 Views
I always thought that... - 04/12/2009 03:14:39 AM 753 Views
*NM* - 28/02/2010 07:47:12 AM 334 Views
Re: +1 *NM* - 01/03/2010 03:30:16 AM 369 Views

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