Re: Well it's not possible for the Domination Bands to be both Cuendillar and made by men
Datakim Send a noteboard - 18/02/2010 01:30:29 AM
at least not the replicas, since the Seanchan only have female channelers ... the original may have been made by a man, but why?
The original one was cuendillar. Moghedien said so and BS confirms it. We don't know if the replicas were but BS does suggest that they were.
This is what BS said:
The Gathering Storm Book Tour, Books and Co., Dayton, OH 11 November 2009 - Tim Kington reporting
Q: Was the Domination Band made of cuendillar?
A: The original one is made of cuendillar. The one that was destroyed was a copy, but one would assume that the copies are made of cuendillar too. The True Power works by destroying the Pattern. Everything that is done with it involves damage to the Pattern. For example, when we see Ishamael Travel, he does so by poking a hole in the Pattern. Cuendillar can be destroyed using the True Power. There is another way to destroy cuendillar, too.
And yeh. Why would any man make a device capable of enslaving himself. I could in theory buy the idea that some male AS made it while sane, but if so why is the thing designed to be able to cause horrific agony to the victim? That is clearly evil and suggestive that the shadow might have been responsible. The fact that Moghedien knows so much about it might also suggest this.
I wonder. We know that Ishamael was active during the time Luthair went to the Seanchan. And around the time the female a'dam was invented. Could the shadow have been performing research on how to construct these enslavement devices during the war of power. The Domination Band could then have been designed by one of the forsaken that was not caught in the bore. Maybe under orders from DO to aid in capturing LTT and turning him to the shadow.
Ishamael could then have used his knowledge of that research to assist some female AS in creating a female model for the Seanchan. This might help explain why said female AS was so idiotic as to allow herself to be collared. Compulsion by Ishy.
The Bonds of Dominion , who creat it ?
17/02/2010 01:19:05 PM
Re: The Bonds of Dominion , who creat it ?
17/02/2010 04:41:19 PM
Well it's not possible for the Domination Bands to be both Cuendillar and made by men
18/02/2010 12:34:04 AM
Re: Well it's not possible for the Domination Bands to be both Cuendillar and made by men
18/02/2010 01:30:29 AM
Its nice that someone recognizes that I'm an advanced reader. Now I'll answer your question.
18/02/2010 03:50:14 AM