But that's now how it happened - Edit 1
Before modification by BlackAdder at 03/02/2010 08:19:09 PM
So let me put some Compulsion on the guy...just the standard "say these things" kinda job. Nothing crazy or complex. But just to make things interesting...let the "Lord of Chaos rule" and all that, I'm gonna make my Compulsion dissipate & completely remove all residues upon Delving. That way, if someone does notice it even in passing, they cannot go back and tell that it was me...or even tell that Compulsion was involved.
The compulsion didn't dissipate upon the initial Delving by Nynaeve (which is how they confirmed he was Compelled). It only dissipated after they checked the second time, after Rand unleashed his golden show-- er, balefire on Graendal