Active Users:604 Time:09/03/2025 02:03:36 PM
I think it would be obvious if Ituralde was acting different darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 03/02/2010 08:18:50 PM
And heavy Compulsion of the variety Graendal uses is said to be much more damaging.

True, but we don't know what Graendal (or others for that matter) is capable of here ... in all likelihood Ituralde has been under a very subtle Compulsion for months without any real damage to him.

Because the Compulsion, if it exists, hasn't been removed

Yes, but the point is that it's clearly very subtle as there have been no changes to his base personality. Much like Rhamshalan was under a very subtle Compulsion when he came back to Rand.

My sole contention regards what happens when the Compulsion is lifted (and why I believe Rhamshalan's Compulsion was not lifted but rather removed before it existed). We've seen that even very mild Compulsion has some effect on the mind when it is removed.

However, I don't know if that's really a fair statement you're making. We don't really know if there's changes to Ituralde's personality or not (since we don't meet him until after this Compulsion, if it exists, would have been set), and similarly don't have enough evidence of Rhamshalan at all either before or after the Compulsion was set to know if there are any personality changes.

But you are correct, he could be acting totally differently for all we really know... but we have seen both Cyndane and Moghedien released from Graendal's grip with absolutely no effect to them.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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So your name is Graendal.... - 01/02/2010 09:18:00 PM 1698 Views
one of the reasons I'm at a loss with her death ... along with the lead-up being clumsy *NM* - 01/02/2010 09:36:29 PM 725 Views
She very well... - 01/02/2010 11:13:50 PM 1013 Views
Exactly how I feel ... to the letter! *NM* - 01/02/2010 11:17:57 PM 585 Views
Re: She very well... - 02/02/2010 08:42:17 AM 931 Views
Ha! "Graendal actually kills Asmodean". A very bold claim. *NM* - 02/02/2010 10:51:40 AM 622 Views
Bold like saying that water is wet.... - 02/02/2010 05:46:54 PM 652 Views
I am now split with a 80% belief it's Graendal and 20% that it's Moghedien *NM* - 02/02/2010 06:11:47 PM 405 Views
Moghedien.... - 02/02/2010 06:15:41 PM 744 Views
The a'dam doesn't limit your ability to enter T'A'R - 02/02/2010 06:36:26 PM 697 Views
Yeah..... - 02/02/2010 06:46:50 PM 903 Views
Re: Yeah..... - 02/02/2010 07:42:59 PM 691 Views
This brings up a very intersting question... - 02/02/2010 09:30:49 PM 912 Views
Re: This brings up a very intersting question... - 02/02/2010 09:57:24 PM 675 Views
Moghedien? Really? - 02/02/2010 07:56:33 PM 775 Views
when was Semirhage in an a'dam? *NM* - 02/02/2010 08:48:27 PM 410 Views
Re: Moghedien? Really? - 02/02/2010 09:03:54 PM 700 Views
Egwene was faintly forkrooted, not heavily. - 02/02/2010 10:24:55 PM 698 Views
It was heavy enough to nullify her ability almost completely by TGS - 02/02/2010 10:38:04 PM 618 Views
That's still extremely faint. - 02/02/2010 11:07:10 PM 700 Views
Re: That's still extremely faint. - 03/02/2010 03:34:06 PM 745 Views
Re: Moghedien? Really? - 03/02/2010 01:02:13 AM 644 Views
Re: Moghedien? Really? - 03/02/2010 03:31:21 PM 858 Views
The chance that Moggy killed Asmo is actually 0 % - 02/02/2010 09:32:03 PM 768 Views
*nods* - 02/02/2010 09:36:04 PM 611 Views
Well, I completely disagree, but that's another discussion. *NM* - 02/02/2010 07:07:05 PM 385 Views
Yes, I agree. *NM* - 02/02/2010 03:26:13 PM 537 Views
As bad as Sammael's death. *NM* - 03/02/2010 02:00:02 AM 389 Views
Yes, pretty much. - 01/02/2010 11:21:31 PM 766 Views
Couple of flaws in that reasoning - 02/02/2010 07:56:35 AM 1023 Views
Graendal already has a massive inverted ward around the palace. - 02/02/2010 03:23:44 PM 811 Views
Come on now.... - 02/02/2010 04:58:34 PM 931 Views
IMO - 02/02/2010 05:58:10 PM 753 Views
This could go either way.... - 02/02/2010 06:14:21 PM 895 Views
RE: Strength and Compulsion - 02/02/2010 06:31:13 PM 902 Views
I never figured that Verin was weak....or even middling. - 02/02/2010 06:57:11 PM 776 Views
Re: I never figured that Verin was weak....or even middling. - 02/02/2010 07:51:15 PM 774 Views
Verin was using her angreal when she compelled. *NM* - 02/02/2010 08:00:50 PM 442 Views
Danke for clarification. - 02/02/2010 08:15:39 PM 628 Views
The thing is... - 02/02/2010 09:39:18 AM 764 Views
Its still a game... - 02/02/2010 05:09:42 PM 788 Views
I could buy... - 02/02/2010 07:16:43 PM 736 Views
Please, - 02/02/2010 10:42:00 AM 741 Views
*ha* - 02/02/2010 05:10:41 PM 703 Views
My name is Graendal? My parents will be so confused. - 02/02/2010 02:19:26 PM 718 Views
So what would you say... - 02/02/2010 05:12:09 PM 694 Views
Wow. - 02/02/2010 06:00:11 PM 759 Views
Never underestimate.... - 02/02/2010 06:08:42 PM 673 Views
"Oh, no... Rand is totally going to balefire me!" *NM* - 03/02/2010 08:50:26 PM 380 Views
A conclusion with an explanation built around it. - 02/02/2010 10:22:29 PM 791 Views
Hah! - 02/02/2010 10:38:38 PM 631 Views
I miss Diomedes . *NM* - 02/02/2010 11:07:45 PM 353 Views the theory of Macro Evolution? People seem to believe that..... - 02/02/2010 11:22:41 PM 796 Views
... - 03/02/2010 01:23:06 AM 695 Views
Ok...I'm just saying... - 03/02/2010 04:00:46 PM 860 Views
That's ridiculous - 02/02/2010 11:39:41 PM 738 Views
Hold on now.... - 02/02/2010 11:51:32 PM 904 Views
Re: Hold on now.... - 03/02/2010 02:52:07 AM 734 Views
Re: Hold on now.... - 03/02/2010 08:59:44 PM 736 Views
Re: Hold on now.... - 04/02/2010 04:44:31 AM 667 Views
Your theory breaks down because of something Brandon said. - 03/02/2010 03:49:58 AM 674 Views
Kind of - 03/02/2010 04:10:04 AM 757 Views
I disagree. - 03/02/2010 05:31:39 AM 625 Views
But how many previously unseen weaves have had such huge implications? - 03/02/2010 01:29:15 PM 903 Views
Two things come to mind... - 03/02/2010 03:50:38 PM 821 Views
I don't really think this is relevant - 03/02/2010 05:03:51 PM 734 Views
There's a difference.... - 03/02/2010 06:01:30 PM 766 Views
I know there is. You're the one who brought up the weaves being picked apart - 03/02/2010 06:37:40 PM 763 Views
*grins* - 03/02/2010 06:42:54 PM 784 Views
But again... - 03/02/2010 06:59:18 PM 698 Views
sure we do - 03/02/2010 07:03:40 PM 649 Views
Each of them was at the very least confused/disoriented afterwards. - 03/02/2010 07:14:24 PM 633 Views
But here's the thing... - 03/02/2010 07:36:42 PM 744 Views
I think we disagree with what "subtle" means here. - 03/02/2010 07:46:20 PM 665 Views
Kerb was more subtle than most, but we've seen subtler. - 04/02/2010 05:16:33 PM 886 Views
Re: Each of them was at the very least confused/disoriented afterwards. - 03/02/2010 07:37:58 PM 621 Views
... - 03/02/2010 07:42:07 PM 697 Views
Re: ... - 03/02/2010 07:59:26 PM 671 Views
But - 03/02/2010 08:04:27 PM 770 Views
I think it would be obvious if Ituralde was acting different - 03/02/2010 08:18:50 PM 932 Views
Hrm - 03/02/2010 08:36:12 PM 847 Views
It happens in WH when they go to tell her that Moridin is N'B - 03/02/2010 08:43:11 PM 718 Views
Thanks *NM* - 03/02/2010 08:47:29 PM 386 Views
Now try and not lynch me... - 03/02/2010 04:08:11 PM 748 Views
But that's not how it happened - 03/02/2010 08:18:59 PM 735 Views

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