Al'Thor has arrived in Arad Doman and you have at least a thousand people under Compulsion serving you in the city - either spying on him, or undermining him in other ways.
A nobleman appears, a man called Ramshalan. This is very suspicious. There's a good chance al'Thor thinks you are in the area and he's sent out spies in every direction to see what he can retrieve. Still, this man on your doorstep makes you nervous. Perhaps you should just kill him. Perhaps not. Better to put him under Compulsion and send him back with disappointing results. The Lady Basene is ever so loyal. From there, he will be in a key position to cause al'Thor huge amounts of damage. It will take complex Compulsion, and no one has a Talent like you do.
You send him on his way. He'll probably take a day or two to return to al'Thor even on a fast horse. Unless he's got those Ash'aman fellows helping the spies around with gateways. You do wish the grounds around your palace were warded to detect saidin and saidar - you recall thinking about the absence of webs in your domain when those other two Chosen visited you. Cyndane and Moghedien arrived without detection, and even that male channeler slave of Moridin's did earlier this month without detection. Yes, warding would have been a good idea here. It's not a huge problem - a whiff of saidin or saidar and you'll be out of there in an instant.
Something is amiss though. Lews Therin was never one to be underestimated, but it remained a mystery even to Lanfear how much was the great Lews Therin, and how much the simple farmer. If al'Thor gets suspicious for some reason he could be here within the hour, assuming Ramshalan is picked up with a gateway. If not, you may have days if he suspects you. If he doesn't suspect you, you can go on as usual. You'll need to be extra vigilent and ready to Travel at a moment's notice. There is no question - you cannot face Lews Therin, and you won't be ambushed. If you sense even the slightest thing out of the ordinary, you'll be out of there to one of your backup bases. It might not be a bad idea to go there anyway - it's your habit to err on the side of caution. Suddenly a force hits the palace and you're flung off your feet. You reach for saidar to Travel, but your whole body is on fire. You scream and scream, and everything goes dark...
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
So your name is Graendal...
03/02/2010 11:01:23 AM
If Graendal gets a POV in the next book this would be it exactly. *NM*
03/02/2010 01:20:38 PM
Re: So your name is Graendal...
04/02/2010 02:53:56 PM