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Possible since she was the only BA in the area darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 19/01/2010 06:40:38 PM
Or weaves that only few AS know. For example, Cadsuane or Moiraine also used rarely known weaves.
But of course it's just idle speculation. I still think the knowledge was most likely given from SH.

Half the fun of these forums and reading the books is the idle speculations :)
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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Elza's Compulsion - 14/01/2010 08:41:04 PM 1890 Views
I think Graendal was involved on some level in this part of the story - 14/01/2010 09:12:05 PM 819 Views
I disagree - 14/01/2010 09:27:27 PM 675 Views
except work with Semirhage! - 14/01/2010 09:34:37 PM 604 Views
Well... - 14/01/2010 09:43:40 PM 675 Views
SH can't channel thus can't teach Elza anything *NM* - 14/01/2010 10:20:19 PM 239 Views
Yeah, but according to BS, he apparently could "give her the knowledge". *shrug* *NM* - 15/01/2010 07:16:22 AM 215 Views
that's your interpretation of the quote - 15/01/2010 05:58:30 PM 511 Views
This and the others quotes suggest that only SH and Elza were involved *NM* - 16/01/2010 09:51:24 AM 202 Views
As I said that's certainly one of of interpreting the quotes - 16/01/2010 03:46:55 PM 453 Views
The question is... - 16/01/2010 03:59:24 PM 470 Views
Re: The question is... - 16/01/2010 04:02:55 PM 449 Views
Yeah, as I said elsewhere, would be a nice question for BS, if there was another Forsaken. *NM* - 16/01/2010 04:08:05 PM 485 Views
I bet you anything he'd giva a big fat RAFO to that - 16/01/2010 04:08:58 PM 460 Views
BS spoke quite openly about this scene, though - 16/01/2010 04:16:09 PM 472 Views
always worth a try, but wasn't he asked to be less open recently? - 16/01/2010 04:31:54 PM 460 Views
Shaidar Haran can't channel. - 14/01/2010 09:34:51 PM 809 Views
I know... - 14/01/2010 09:45:15 PM 672 Views
I agree with you, for a related but slightly different reason ... - 14/01/2010 09:58:28 PM 751 Views
That doesn't prove anything... - 14/01/2010 10:07:46 PM 687 Views
It proves enough for me ... - 14/01/2010 10:26:28 PM 583 Views
Re: That doesn't prove anything... - 15/01/2010 11:03:05 AM 424 Views
not really - 15/01/2010 05:29:25 PM 473 Views
I don't understand your theory - 16/01/2010 05:08:03 PM 436 Views
It's very simple - 16/01/2010 06:17:36 PM 425 Views
So in other words - 17/01/2010 06:31:58 PM 544 Views
no I'd continue to insist that something disproved was correct - 17/01/2010 06:43:41 PM 441 Views
Re: no I'd continue to insist that something disproved was correct - 18/01/2010 04:48:33 AM 470 Views
I'm talking about implanting knowledge into someone elses head - 18/01/2010 05:37:32 AM 456 Views
Here's Brandon's one answer - 18/01/2010 05:20:20 PM 458 Views
But... - 18/01/2010 05:48:54 PM 453 Views
Exactly my point - 18/01/2010 06:24:25 PM 494 Views
But by this logic... - 18/01/2010 06:50:43 PM 456 Views
Yes... - 18/01/2010 07:00:40 PM 500 Views
While you are right... - 18/01/2010 08:44:19 PM 471 Views
as we've discussed in another thread - 18/01/2010 09:08:56 PM 846 Views
I mean... - 19/01/2010 02:21:39 PM 465 Views
Weren't they specifically called Weaves that haven't been seen since the AoL? - 19/01/2010 05:26:38 PM 483 Views
"Elza had been given knowledge of several rarely known weaves" is the quote. - 19/01/2010 06:14:22 PM 422 Views
Well if they were secret Ajah weaves someone would have recognized them *NM* - 19/01/2010 06:21:19 PM 213 Views
Maybe secret BA weaves... - 19/01/2010 06:37:42 PM 673 Views
Possible since she was the only BA in the area - 19/01/2010 06:40:38 PM 705 Views
See, I think there's reason for her presence to be kept secret... - 18/01/2010 09:10:43 PM 505 Views
I have a hard time... - 19/01/2010 02:17:52 PM 513 Views
I agree with you - 19/01/2010 04:45:59 PM 443 Views
and you may very well be correct - 19/01/2010 05:39:02 PM 664 Views
Yet Rand/LTT tells us only a few chapters later - 14/01/2010 10:27:57 PM 539 Views
Anything is possible ... - 14/01/2010 10:54:46 PM 538 Views
who knows - 14/01/2010 11:21:43 PM 508 Views
It's not all that convoluted, though ... - 15/01/2010 03:26:01 PM 442 Views
Cyndane/Moggy/Graendal it all amounts to the same in the end - 15/01/2010 05:57:10 PM 593 Views
Re: Cyndane/Moggy/Graendal it all amounts to the same in the end - 15/01/2010 06:25:32 PM 468 Views
Re: Cyndane/Moggy/Graendal it all amounts to the same in the end - 15/01/2010 06:44:26 PM 444 Views
Good point! - 15/01/2010 07:19:00 AM 526 Views
Re: Good point! - 15/01/2010 05:30:12 PM 420 Views
I agree - 16/01/2010 09:50:09 AM 407 Views
what doesn't make sense about this to me - 15/01/2010 06:04:45 PM 490 Views
Re: what doesn't make sense about this to me - 15/01/2010 06:29:59 PM 485 Views
damn double posting - 15/01/2010 07:04:56 PM 431 Views
As it is often the case... - 16/01/2010 09:30:56 AM 522 Views
go re-read my statements and quit putting words in my mouth please. - 16/01/2010 03:59:52 PM 481 Views
Well... - 16/01/2010 04:14:28 PM 381 Views
as I said it's also possible that SH has new abilities - 16/01/2010 04:33:30 PM 421 Views
Re: I think Graendal was involved on some level in this part of the story - 14/01/2010 09:30:53 PM 521 Views
Uhhh? - 14/01/2010 09:13:13 PM 669 Views
One point - 14/01/2010 09:20:09 PM 610 Views
Re: One point - 14/01/2010 09:32:00 PM 535 Views
Elza truly believes that... - 14/01/2010 09:38:35 PM 538 Views
Elza "found a reason to follow the Compulsion" - 14/01/2010 11:23:33 PM 578 Views
So, it came from her, and would not go when the Compulsion was removed. - 15/01/2010 05:56:32 AM 513 Views
fair enough - 16/01/2010 04:34:05 PM 558 Views
Not quite - 14/01/2010 09:38:45 PM 562 Views

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