RJ put these scenes in for a different reason. It wasn't to show the reader how 'hot' a character was, but to show how awkward and strange it could be when two different cultures interact. Whether it was the borderlanders and community baths or Aiel with sweat tents or practically nude Seanchan dancers, the emphasis was on showing how strange other cultures may seem to us, and, of course, to put some humor into the series.
"Take the Gleeman!" Rand and Mat cried, throwing Thom to the Myrddraal. Then they ran away as fast as they could, and Thom's screams quickly faded into the distance along with any inconvenient feelings of guilt.
Is it just me...
16/01/2010 02:29:57 AM
RJ probably never intended for his readers to get an erection from the descriptions
16/01/2010 12:51:32 PM
It was to describe cultural settings
16/01/2010 05:52:19 PM
It wasn't descriptive. Someone would just say "we say around naked and had tea"
18/01/2010 07:21:21 PM