Active Users:825 Time:12/03/2025 12:17:40 AM
It proves enough for me ... Shishka Send a noteboard - 14/01/2010 10:26:28 PM
There's one reason why that wouldn't be true. The moment Graendal channeled to remove the compulsion, Semi would have sensed her. She would have suspected FS involvement in her escape, and smelled a trap.

That's just grasping at straws, IMHO. We don't know that Semi would have felt Graendal - it depends on a whole lot of things we have no idea about. Where did SH meet with Elza initially? Was it near enough to Semi that she'd have felt if Graendal channeled? Even if it was near enough, perhaps SH could have prevented Semi from feeling anything - we know he has special abilities with blocking Shadow minions from the True Source. And, even IF Semi felt something, she'd have had no idea what it was. For all she would know, it could simply be Nynaeve channeling. To suggest that she would immediately leap to the conclusion that another FS was nearby, and that she was being set up, is highly implausible.

Not to mention ... if Semi could have felt Graendal remove the Compulsion, then she could have felt her delve Elza, too. There's no reason to think that the delving would be safer than the removing, which is essentially what you are suggesting.
Rise and fall, turn the Wheel,
'cause all life is
is really just a circle.

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Elza's Compulsion - 14/01/2010 08:41:04 PM 1930 Views
I think Graendal was involved on some level in this part of the story - 14/01/2010 09:12:05 PM 878 Views
I disagree - 14/01/2010 09:27:27 PM 720 Views
except work with Semirhage! - 14/01/2010 09:34:37 PM 658 Views
Well... - 14/01/2010 09:43:40 PM 726 Views
SH can't channel thus can't teach Elza anything *NM* - 14/01/2010 10:20:19 PM 259 Views
Yeah, but according to BS, he apparently could "give her the knowledge". *shrug* *NM* - 15/01/2010 07:16:22 AM 235 Views
that's your interpretation of the quote - 15/01/2010 05:58:30 PM 565 Views
This and the others quotes suggest that only SH and Elza were involved *NM* - 16/01/2010 09:51:24 AM 211 Views
As I said that's certainly one of of interpreting the quotes - 16/01/2010 03:46:55 PM 499 Views
The question is... - 16/01/2010 03:59:24 PM 518 Views
Re: The question is... - 16/01/2010 04:02:55 PM 510 Views
Yeah, as I said elsewhere, would be a nice question for BS, if there was another Forsaken. *NM* - 16/01/2010 04:08:05 PM 545 Views
I bet you anything he'd giva a big fat RAFO to that - 16/01/2010 04:08:58 PM 510 Views
BS spoke quite openly about this scene, though - 16/01/2010 04:16:09 PM 533 Views
always worth a try, but wasn't he asked to be less open recently? - 16/01/2010 04:31:54 PM 509 Views
Shaidar Haran can't channel. - 14/01/2010 09:34:51 PM 863 Views
I know... - 14/01/2010 09:45:15 PM 723 Views
I agree with you, for a related but slightly different reason ... - 14/01/2010 09:58:28 PM 805 Views
That doesn't prove anything... - 14/01/2010 10:07:46 PM 741 Views
It proves enough for me ... - 14/01/2010 10:26:28 PM 631 Views
Re: That doesn't prove anything... - 15/01/2010 11:03:05 AM 478 Views
not really - 15/01/2010 05:29:25 PM 496 Views
I don't understand your theory - 16/01/2010 05:08:03 PM 487 Views
It's very simple - 16/01/2010 06:17:36 PM 473 Views
So in other words - 17/01/2010 06:31:58 PM 597 Views
no I'd continue to insist that something disproved was correct - 17/01/2010 06:43:41 PM 496 Views
Re: no I'd continue to insist that something disproved was correct - 18/01/2010 04:48:33 AM 518 Views
I'm talking about implanting knowledge into someone elses head - 18/01/2010 05:37:32 AM 524 Views
Here's Brandon's one answer - 18/01/2010 05:20:20 PM 513 Views
But... - 18/01/2010 05:48:54 PM 501 Views
Exactly my point - 18/01/2010 06:24:25 PM 541 Views
But by this logic... - 18/01/2010 06:50:43 PM 479 Views
Yes... - 18/01/2010 07:00:40 PM 538 Views
While you are right... - 18/01/2010 08:44:19 PM 525 Views
as we've discussed in another thread - 18/01/2010 09:08:56 PM 902 Views
I mean... - 19/01/2010 02:21:39 PM 521 Views
Weren't they specifically called Weaves that haven't been seen since the AoL? - 19/01/2010 05:26:38 PM 534 Views
"Elza had been given knowledge of several rarely known weaves" is the quote. - 19/01/2010 06:14:22 PM 472 Views
Well if they were secret Ajah weaves someone would have recognized them *NM* - 19/01/2010 06:21:19 PM 235 Views
Maybe secret BA weaves... - 19/01/2010 06:37:42 PM 724 Views
Possible since she was the only BA in the area - 19/01/2010 06:40:38 PM 761 Views
See, I think there's reason for her presence to be kept secret... - 18/01/2010 09:10:43 PM 558 Views
I have a hard time... - 19/01/2010 02:17:52 PM 568 Views
I agree with you - 19/01/2010 04:45:59 PM 494 Views
and you may very well be correct - 19/01/2010 05:39:02 PM 716 Views
Yet Rand/LTT tells us only a few chapters later - 14/01/2010 10:27:57 PM 585 Views
Anything is possible ... - 14/01/2010 10:54:46 PM 590 Views
who knows - 14/01/2010 11:21:43 PM 560 Views
It's not all that convoluted, though ... - 15/01/2010 03:26:01 PM 468 Views
Cyndane/Moggy/Graendal it all amounts to the same in the end - 15/01/2010 05:57:10 PM 647 Views
Re: Cyndane/Moggy/Graendal it all amounts to the same in the end - 15/01/2010 06:25:32 PM 529 Views
Re: Cyndane/Moggy/Graendal it all amounts to the same in the end - 15/01/2010 06:44:26 PM 498 Views
Good point! - 15/01/2010 07:19:00 AM 583 Views
Re: Good point! - 15/01/2010 05:30:12 PM 475 Views
I agree - 16/01/2010 09:50:09 AM 460 Views
what doesn't make sense about this to me - 15/01/2010 06:04:45 PM 545 Views
Re: what doesn't make sense about this to me - 15/01/2010 06:29:59 PM 539 Views
damn double posting - 15/01/2010 07:04:56 PM 486 Views
As it is often the case... - 16/01/2010 09:30:56 AM 570 Views
go re-read my statements and quit putting words in my mouth please. - 16/01/2010 03:59:52 PM 534 Views
Well... - 16/01/2010 04:14:28 PM 429 Views
as I said it's also possible that SH has new abilities - 16/01/2010 04:33:30 PM 467 Views
Re: I think Graendal was involved on some level in this part of the story - 14/01/2010 09:30:53 PM 575 Views
Uhhh? - 14/01/2010 09:13:13 PM 719 Views
One point - 14/01/2010 09:20:09 PM 671 Views
Re: One point - 14/01/2010 09:32:00 PM 588 Views
Elza truly believes that... - 14/01/2010 09:38:35 PM 586 Views
Elza "found a reason to follow the Compulsion" - 14/01/2010 11:23:33 PM 631 Views
So, it came from her, and would not go when the Compulsion was removed. - 15/01/2010 05:56:32 AM 564 Views
fair enough - 16/01/2010 04:34:05 PM 619 Views
Not quite - 14/01/2010 09:38:45 PM 610 Views

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