Active Users:826 Time:12/03/2025 12:33:15 AM
No, Precious! Nooooo! a fan of Rolan dcs Send a noteboard - 12/01/2010 10:25:23 PM
Hello all,

I know many of you may not know me but there are a few that may. One in particular, would be Lil T; a passionate Egwene hater and lover of Rand. Well she, sidious, fanatic templar and myself all got together and made bets about whether Semirhage would be badass in the latest book.

~Le sigh~

From what I've read . . . I've lost. So to never let it be said that I hedged on a bet . . . ~ahem~ . . .


There. I typed it without throwing up a little in my mouth and am proud of me. Happy New Year everyone!

I love you Dani, even if you have a fixation with Cannoli. :P
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So apparently I made a bet with Liltempest back on the WoTmania boards. . . - 01/01/2010 07:37:35 PM 1673 Views
LOL - 01/01/2010 07:45:30 PM 1034 Views
For you or my therapist? *NM* - 03/01/2010 03:14:39 AM 472 Views
- 01/01/2010 08:57:58 PM 899 Views
Hell, apparently I mock it too! - 03/01/2010 03:19:22 AM 871 Views
I don't remember, and I can't go back and check - 03/01/2010 04:51:13 AM 819 Views
Wow, so not even able to check archives of posts or FAQs or is it just certain stuff? - 05/01/2010 05:56:35 AM 699 Views
Trying to go to Wotmania just redirects me to Dragonmount. - 05/01/2010 06:45:46 AM 626 Views
Dammit man! I knew I should have saved those convos on my computer . . . Fail - 05/01/2010 03:25:14 PM 827 Views
If it makes you feel better I threw up in my mouth a little just reading it *NM* - 01/01/2010 09:01:38 PM 461 Views
I projectiled vomited, my poor computer *NM* - 02/01/2010 04:04:08 PM 434 Views
After typing that, is there anything that could make me feel better? *NM* - 03/01/2010 03:23:07 AM 456 Views
Dani! - 01/01/2010 09:17:35 PM 886 Views
I'm sure you just want to be able to say.... - 01/01/2010 09:26:51 PM 881 Views
*hurts you* *NM* - 02/01/2010 05:52:56 AM 467 Views
'Chelle! - 03/01/2010 03:31:25 AM 771 Views
- 03/01/2010 06:34:21 AM 733 Views
Yeah , I was thinking the exact same thing. - 05/01/2010 05:53:10 AM 813 Views
Well... - 05/01/2010 07:19:44 AM 793 Views
What exacty makes you think Demandred will get a kick-arse scene? - 05/01/2010 08:11:44 AM 755 Views
Maybe because of what BS said... - 05/01/2010 12:37:15 PM 773 Views
Oh, okay, that sounds hopeful . - 05/01/2010 07:00:52 PM 766 Views
lol *NM* - 01/01/2010 10:46:11 PM 569 Views
*is now blind* *NM* - 02/01/2010 01:17:32 AM 483 Views
LOL! Well you and I both know, LilT is nothing if not . . . creative. *NM* - 03/01/2010 03:34:44 AM 453 Views
It's true... now, if only we could get her to use her powers for good, not evil! *NM* - 03/01/2010 06:12:32 AM 468 Views
Lol! I know! We could save the world! *NM* - 05/01/2010 05:58:05 AM 408 Views
Or take it over... I mean, that's an option, right? *NM* - 05/01/2010 06:24:51 AM 439 Views
Nice to see you Dani - 02/01/2010 09:43:36 AM 746 Views
Thanks Diva! Long time no type! ~Hugs~ *NM* - 03/01/2010 03:33:20 AM 456 Views
Always knew you had the crazy. *NM* - 02/01/2010 03:53:32 PM 495 Views
The crazy? Is that like The gout? *NM* - 03/01/2010 03:21:47 AM 448 Views
The crazy is what you have. In your head. *NM* - 17/01/2010 05:43:17 PM 430 Views
*points and laughs hysterically* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! *NM* - 02/01/2010 04:59:04 PM 448 Views
Damn you to hell Chris, to hell! *NM* - 03/01/2010 03:24:11 AM 450 Views
Damn your cheap whore of a sister to hell! *NM* - 05/01/2010 04:21:33 PM 429 Views
Hey! Reasonable and Cheap are not the same thing! *NM* - 12/01/2010 10:23:37 PM 468 Views
*tries not to look smug* - 03/01/2010 06:41:39 AM 784 Views
Hey! Didn't we have some bet as well? - 03/01/2010 04:53:12 PM 808 Views
We did, but it has not been decided yet. - 03/01/2010 07:29:55 PM 884 Views
But... - 03/01/2010 08:46:59 PM 779 Views
Dude, I'm on your side, but A. It ISN'T settled yet, and B.She wants payback for the bondings - 04/01/2010 12:48:44 AM 832 Views
Re: B.She wants payback for the bondings - 04/01/2010 01:14:00 AM 738 Views
Who said she wanted payback? - 04/01/2010 04:50:23 AM 721 Views
Fabulous New Year. Your posts are the best, even if you only lurk *NM* - 03/01/2010 08:00:56 PM 434 Views
Thank you. And Happy New Year to you as well. *NM* - 05/01/2010 07:19:07 PM 466 Views
~Tries to ignore the failed attempt~ - 05/01/2010 06:14:40 AM 747 Views
Bahahahaha - 03/01/2010 09:15:06 AM 797 Views
No, Precious! Nooooo! - 12/01/2010 10:25:23 PM 779 Views
None are worthy of my cream filling, especially who love Aiel losers with hammer-shaped skull holes - 04/01/2010 12:45:31 AM 815 Views
Eww! It's touching my post! It's touching my post! Someone get it off me! - 05/01/2010 05:55:35 AM 812 Views
That's what she said! - 05/01/2010 06:00:22 AM 773 Views
Le Yipe! I rebuke thee, Thread-jacking Demon! Hallelujah! - 05/01/2010 06:20:14 AM 770 Views
Ha! Let she who has never jacked cast the first rebuke! Squirrel! - 05/01/2010 06:21:42 AM 779 Views
Curses! Foiled again! - 05/01/2010 03:14:49 PM 738 Views

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