Wheel of Time - in general
1. Favourite book in the series
1) The Shadow Rising
2) The Fires of Heaven
*I'm SO glad I started the series with those two, out of order...
2. Favourite character in the series
1) Egwene
2) Graendal
3) Rand
3. Least favourite book in the series
1) Winter's Heart
2) The Path of Daggers
3) New Spring
4. Least favourite character in the series
1) Perrin
2) Ishamael
3) The Dark One
5. Best scene in the series
1) Egwene telling her Keeper in TGS to mark the day and time when she saw the light from Rand's sanity and judgement returning on Dragonmount
2) Egwene discovering Travelling with saidar just for the look on Moghedien's face
3) Rand getting captured by the Aes Sedai before Dumai Wells; it was hilarious just because he was cocky and thought the Aes Sedai wouldn't humble themselves to do what was necessary (and I don't think the readers expected the Aes Sedai to have younger Sisters disguise themselves, either - noone took that old historical note about the Aes Sedai who married a man she hated, had kids by him and pretended to be in love under order of the Tower any mind)
6. Favourite quote in the series
1) "Take this message back to Sammael. Every death he has caused since waking, I lay at his feet and call due. Every murder he has ever done or caused, I lay at his feet and call due. He escaped justice in the Rorn M’doi, and at Nol Caimaine, and Sohadra . . . " More of Lews Therin’s memories, but the pain of what had been done there, the agony of what Lews Therin’s eyes had seen, burned across the Void as if Rand’s. " . . . But I will see justice done now. Tell him, no truce with the Forsaken. No truce with the Shadow."
Rand al'Thor to Sammael's messenger
2) "I dare the truth, Elaida," Egwene said quietly. "you are a coward and a tyrant. I'd name you Darkfriend as well, but I suspect that the Dark One would perhaps be embarrassed to associate with you."
Egwene al'Vere
3) "'The Amyrlin understands the most complex of creeds and debates,'" Egwene said, quoting from memory. "'Yet in the end, she is the servant of all, even the lowest of laborers.'"
Egwene al'Vere, quoting Balladare Arandaille
7. Most heartbreaking scene in the series
1) Perrin's emotional reaction upon hearing about the death of all of his family members
2) The death of Verin
3) Hearing of the execution of Nesta Din Reas Two Moons and her Blademaster Baroc by the Seanchan
8. Your favourite culture in the series
1) Mayene
2) Athan Miere
3) Ayyad
9. Your favourite insignificant character in the series
1) Herid Fel
2) Damer Flinn
3) Berelain
The Gathering Storm
10. Favourite scene
1) Egwene telling her Keeper to mark the date and time when she saw the light of Rand's new hope shining on Dragonmount
2) The Raid on the Tower
3) Nynaeve declaring Rand to be a tyrant after he balefires 300 innocent souls to attempt to kill Graendal
11. Favourite character
1) Egwene
2) Graendal
3) Rand
12. Most irritating character
1) Tuon
2) Perrin
3) Mat
13. Best plot resolution for you
1) The death of Verin
2) Egwene's Cleansing of the Rebels/The execution of Sheriam
3) Rand remembering his past lives and getting a thwack on the back of the head by the Creator on Dragonmount
14. Brandon Sanderson was spot on with which characters
1) Nynaeve
2) Perrin
3) Rand
15. Characters that differed the most with RJ and Brandon
1) Cadsuane (she doesn't use the OP to punish a common person; she has always used her presence, experience and personality to do so thus Tam being lifted in Air was very clashing with her background)
2) Mat (I don't think they have the word 'psychopath' in Randland and his entire section felt forced)
3) Semirhage (I think RJ would have drawn her breaking out a bit more; the way it was handled was too sudden)
16. Biggest disappointment in the book
1) The raid on Tar Valon wasn't larger and there wasn't enough descriptions of the actual battle
2) Perrin didn't send Morgase with Tam to Rand
3) That Rand didn't balefire the Seanchan headquarters (while morally horrible, it would have been hilarious)
17. Character you wished to see but who didn't show up much
1) Elayne
2) Mazrim Taim
3) The embassy to the Black Tower
*I'm pretty sure these will be plots in the next book, though
18. Best quote in the book
1) "'The Amyrlin understands the most complex of creeds and debates,'" Egwene said, quoting from memory. "'Yet in the end, she is the servant of all, even the lowest of laborers.'"
Egwene quoting Balladare Arandaille
2) "Sometimes, a wife must do what her husband cannot..." -Faile
3) "Mesaana was fully committed now...but she seemed a second-rate Chosen...but who would rule (the Tower)? The fool or the child? Did it even matter?" - Graendal
The Future
19. Character most likely to cause a stir in the new book
1) Moiraine
2) Elayne
3) Mazrim Taim
20. Plot element you're anticipating most
1) A battle at the Black Tower, where the Ashaman are humbled, and the good ones can remake that wretched excuse of an "organization"
2) Perrin killing Slayer for the death of so many wolves
3) Mat doing something with the gunpowder - I can see him making cannonballs as well as basic firearms
21. Scene you're hoping will occur
1) Aviendha telling someone about the knife ter'angreal that protects you from the Shadow
2) Moiraine returning
3) Elayne meeting Morgase/Elayne giving birth/Lini dying
22. Your favourite theory you've read
1) Graendal killed Asmodean
2) The one about Mesaana's identity in the Tower
3) Egwene and the Wise Ones will duel Cyndane and Moghedien in TAR at some stage (I think this may have been mines, actually, or perhaps I like it because it was something I was thinking of and had posted on prior)
23. Your favourite debate on RAFO
1) Mesaana's identity in the Tower
2) Verin's allegiance prior to TGS
3) Who Demandred is...this was fun because RJ basically debunked every single guess over the years
24. Subject that causes the most anger on the board
1) Who killed Asmodean
25. Subject that, like a broken record, just won't stop repeating despite extensive debates
1) The identity of Asmodean's killer
2) OP Strength Rankings
3) Strength vs Dexterity in channeling
26. Poster whose posts you just love
1) DoMA
2) Sidious
3) Etzel
*honorable mention: Linda_Sedai
27. The most appalling idea you've encountered on this board
1) Mass murder is fine! or 'The As Long as Rand Wins' Theories
*Note: This covers such things as 'Rand should balefire each and every single person who disagrees with him' or 'Rand should kill all Aes Sedai'
2) Women are weak at channeling and inferior to male channelers
3) There will be no channeling at the end of Tarmon Gaidon
28. Your favourite fight on the board
1) The fights stirred up by Cannoli's epic, psychotic, 34+ and multiple sub-thread rants on Egwene
2) Strength vs Dexterity aka 'WTH Was RJ Trying to Say?'
29. Most stubborn poster
1) Cannoli
2) Liltempest (but I love it!)
30. Poster you'd like to mindtrap
That's kind of negative so I'll say none!
1. Favourite book in the series
1) The Shadow Rising
2) The Fires of Heaven
*I'm SO glad I started the series with those two, out of order...
2. Favourite character in the series
1) Egwene
2) Graendal
3) Rand
3. Least favourite book in the series
1) Winter's Heart
2) The Path of Daggers
3) New Spring
4. Least favourite character in the series
1) Perrin
2) Ishamael
3) The Dark One
5. Best scene in the series
1) Egwene telling her Keeper in TGS to mark the day and time when she saw the light from Rand's sanity and judgement returning on Dragonmount
2) Egwene discovering Travelling with saidar just for the look on Moghedien's face
3) Rand getting captured by the Aes Sedai before Dumai Wells; it was hilarious just because he was cocky and thought the Aes Sedai wouldn't humble themselves to do what was necessary (and I don't think the readers expected the Aes Sedai to have younger Sisters disguise themselves, either - noone took that old historical note about the Aes Sedai who married a man she hated, had kids by him and pretended to be in love under order of the Tower any mind)
6. Favourite quote in the series
1) "Take this message back to Sammael. Every death he has caused since waking, I lay at his feet and call due. Every murder he has ever done or caused, I lay at his feet and call due. He escaped justice in the Rorn M’doi, and at Nol Caimaine, and Sohadra . . . " More of Lews Therin’s memories, but the pain of what had been done there, the agony of what Lews Therin’s eyes had seen, burned across the Void as if Rand’s. " . . . But I will see justice done now. Tell him, no truce with the Forsaken. No truce with the Shadow."
Rand al'Thor to Sammael's messenger
2) "I dare the truth, Elaida," Egwene said quietly. "you are a coward and a tyrant. I'd name you Darkfriend as well, but I suspect that the Dark One would perhaps be embarrassed to associate with you."
Egwene al'Vere
3) "'The Amyrlin understands the most complex of creeds and debates,'" Egwene said, quoting from memory. "'Yet in the end, she is the servant of all, even the lowest of laborers.'"
Egwene al'Vere, quoting Balladare Arandaille
7. Most heartbreaking scene in the series
1) Perrin's emotional reaction upon hearing about the death of all of his family members
2) The death of Verin
3) Hearing of the execution of Nesta Din Reas Two Moons and her Blademaster Baroc by the Seanchan
8. Your favourite culture in the series
1) Mayene
2) Athan Miere
3) Ayyad
9. Your favourite insignificant character in the series
1) Herid Fel
2) Damer Flinn
3) Berelain
The Gathering Storm
10. Favourite scene
1) Egwene telling her Keeper to mark the date and time when she saw the light of Rand's new hope shining on Dragonmount
2) The Raid on the Tower
3) Nynaeve declaring Rand to be a tyrant after he balefires 300 innocent souls to attempt to kill Graendal
11. Favourite character
1) Egwene
2) Graendal
3) Rand
12. Most irritating character
1) Tuon
2) Perrin
3) Mat
13. Best plot resolution for you
1) The death of Verin
2) Egwene's Cleansing of the Rebels/The execution of Sheriam
3) Rand remembering his past lives and getting a thwack on the back of the head by the Creator on Dragonmount
14. Brandon Sanderson was spot on with which characters
1) Nynaeve
2) Perrin
3) Rand
15. Characters that differed the most with RJ and Brandon
1) Cadsuane (she doesn't use the OP to punish a common person; she has always used her presence, experience and personality to do so thus Tam being lifted in Air was very clashing with her background)
2) Mat (I don't think they have the word 'psychopath' in Randland and his entire section felt forced)
3) Semirhage (I think RJ would have drawn her breaking out a bit more; the way it was handled was too sudden)
16. Biggest disappointment in the book
1) The raid on Tar Valon wasn't larger and there wasn't enough descriptions of the actual battle
2) Perrin didn't send Morgase with Tam to Rand
3) That Rand didn't balefire the Seanchan headquarters (while morally horrible, it would have been hilarious)
17. Character you wished to see but who didn't show up much
1) Elayne
2) Mazrim Taim
3) The embassy to the Black Tower
*I'm pretty sure these will be plots in the next book, though
18. Best quote in the book
1) "'The Amyrlin understands the most complex of creeds and debates,'" Egwene said, quoting from memory. "'Yet in the end, she is the servant of all, even the lowest of laborers.'"
Egwene quoting Balladare Arandaille
2) "Sometimes, a wife must do what her husband cannot..." -Faile
3) "Mesaana was fully committed now...but she seemed a second-rate Chosen...but who would rule (the Tower)? The fool or the child? Did it even matter?" - Graendal
The Future
19. Character most likely to cause a stir in the new book
1) Moiraine
2) Elayne
3) Mazrim Taim
20. Plot element you're anticipating most
1) A battle at the Black Tower, where the Ashaman are humbled, and the good ones can remake that wretched excuse of an "organization"
2) Perrin killing Slayer for the death of so many wolves
3) Mat doing something with the gunpowder - I can see him making cannonballs as well as basic firearms
21. Scene you're hoping will occur
1) Aviendha telling someone about the knife ter'angreal that protects you from the Shadow
2) Moiraine returning
3) Elayne meeting Morgase/Elayne giving birth/Lini dying
22. Your favourite theory you've read
1) Graendal killed Asmodean
2) The one about Mesaana's identity in the Tower
3) Egwene and the Wise Ones will duel Cyndane and Moghedien in TAR at some stage (I think this may have been mines, actually, or perhaps I like it because it was something I was thinking of and had posted on prior)
23. Your favourite debate on RAFO
1) Mesaana's identity in the Tower
2) Verin's allegiance prior to TGS
3) Who Demandred is...this was fun because RJ basically debunked every single guess over the years
24. Subject that causes the most anger on the board
1) Who killed Asmodean
25. Subject that, like a broken record, just won't stop repeating despite extensive debates
1) The identity of Asmodean's killer
2) OP Strength Rankings
3) Strength vs Dexterity in channeling
26. Poster whose posts you just love
1) DoMA
2) Sidious
3) Etzel
*honorable mention: Linda_Sedai
27. The most appalling idea you've encountered on this board
1) Mass murder is fine! or 'The As Long as Rand Wins' Theories
*Note: This covers such things as 'Rand should balefire each and every single person who disagrees with him' or 'Rand should kill all Aes Sedai'
2) Women are weak at channeling and inferior to male channelers
3) There will be no channeling at the end of Tarmon Gaidon
28. Your favourite fight on the board
1) The fights stirred up by Cannoli's epic, psychotic, 34+ and multiple sub-thread rants on Egwene
2) Strength vs Dexterity aka 'WTH Was RJ Trying to Say?'
29. Most stubborn poster
1) Cannoli
2) Liltempest (but I love it!)
30. Poster you'd like to mindtrap
That's kind of negative so I'll say none!
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
This message last edited by RugbyPlayingAshaman on 10/01/2010 at 01:51:54 AM
The WOTawards.... place your nominations now!
04/01/2010 10:38:27 AM

Are you just trying to use the
as much as possible before it disappears?
06/01/2010 09:50:41 PM

Some nominations!
09/01/2010 10:54:32 PM
I'm way late on the nominating, but not much seems to be happening yet...
10/04/2010 04:52:56 AM
um..why is something that is not happenning right at the top of the list of posts?
08/05/2010 04:23:10 PM