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Are you just trying to use the as much as possible before it disappears? - Edit 1

Before modification by Gher at 06/01/2010 09:51:20 PM

It's time for the 2010 Wheel of Time awards. You'll have until 14 January to place your nominations in this post, at which time I'll compile a list and make the final nomination list. After that it will be time to vote.

Please write down THREE or less replies under each topic...

Wheel of Time - in general

1. Favourite book in the series


2. Favourite character in the series

Moiraine, Rand, Loial

3. Least favourite book in the series


4. Least favourite character in the series

Shaido Wise Ones, Sea Folk

5. Best scene in the series


6. Favourite quote in the series

Aiel Oath (To spit in Sightblinders Eye on the Last Day), Duty/Death

7. Most heartbreaking scene in the series

Rand puts Fedwin Morr to sleep.

8. Your favourite culture in the series

Aiel, Seanchan

9. Your favourite insignificant character in the series

Eh, it's hard call a favorite character insignificant . Seonid, Loial, Talmanes maybe.

The Gathering Storm

10. Favourite scene

Semi captures Rand with the Domination Band, Rand and Tuon meet, Verin and Egwene meet.

11. Favourite character


12. Most irritating character

13. Best plot resolution for you

Rand learns Laughter and Tears

14. Brandon Sanderson was spot on with which characters

Hard to say, but probably Rand, Nynaeve.

15. Characters that differed the most with RJ and Brandon


16. Biggest disappointment in the book

Probably how off Mat was. He was a good character, one I would have enjoyed in, say, Way of Kings, but he wasn't Matrim Cauthon

17. Character you wished to see but who didn't show up much

Tam showed up a lot more than usual, but I would have liked to see more.

18. Best quote in the book

"Your dress is green."
"How do you fight someone smarter than yourself? The answer is simple. You make her think that you are sitting down across the table from her, ready to play her game. Then you punch her in the face as hard as you can."

The Future

19. Character most likely to cause a stir in the new book

Moiraine, Verin

20. Plot element you're anticipating most

Rand being integrated with LTT, and psychologically well.

21. Scene you're hoping will occur

Mat and the Tower of Ghengi


22. Your favourite theory you've read

23. Your favourite debate on RAFO

Asmo, Is Graendal dead or alive

24. Subject that causes the most anger on the board

Character hate/love posts, One Power rankings.

25. Subject that, like a broken record, just won't stop repeating despite extensive debates

Asmo, One Power Rankings

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