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Ho, hum. Fanatic-Templar Send a noteboard - 05/01/2010 08:10:01 AM
It's time for the 2010 Wheel of Time awards. You'll have until 14 January to place your nominations in this post, at which time I'll compile a list and make the final nomination list. After that it will be time to vote.

Please write down THREE or less replies under each topic...

Wheel of Time - in general

1. Favourite book in the series

The Fires of heaven
The Shadow Rising
A Crown of Swords

2. Favourite character in the series

Matrim Cauthon
Rand al'Thor
Elan Morin Tedronai

3. Least favourite book in the series

New Spring
The Eye of the World
Crossroads of Twilight

4. Least favourite character in the series

The merchant who drive-by whips Rand and Mat on the Caemlyn Road in The Eye of the World.
Child Byar

5. Best scene in the series

Veins of Gold
To Come Out of the Shadow/The Grave is no Bar for my Call
Gathering Clouds/Fog of War, Storm of Battle/A Time for Iron

6. Favourite quote in the series

I don't bloody care about your bargains with anybody else, you daughter of the sands. ~ Mat
And you tracked me? You slug under a rock, track me? I began the setting of your path the day you were born, a path that lead to your grave, or here. Aiel allowed to flee, and one to live, to speak the words that would echo down the years. Jain Farstrider, a hero, whom I painted like a fool and sent to the Ogier thinking he was free of me. The Black Ajah, wriggling like worms on their bellies across the world to search you out. I pull the strings and the Amyrlin Seat dances and thinks she controls events. It matters little if I have you alive or dead, except to you, and to what power you might have. You will serve me, or your soul will. But I would rather have you kneel to me alive than dead. A single fist of Trollocs sent to your village when I could have sent a thousand. One Darkfriend to face you when a hundred could come on you asleep. And you, fool, you don't even know them all, neither those ahead, nor those behind, nor those by your side. You are mine, have always been mine, my dog on a leash, and I brought you here to kneel to your master or die and let your soul kneel. ~ Ba'alzamon.
The Light shine on you, Lord Ingtar of House Shinowa, and may you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home. ~Rand

7. Most heartbreaking scene in the series

A Cup of Sleep
To Come Out of the Shadow

8. Your favourite culture in the series


9. Your favourite insignificant character in the series

Geofram Bornhald
Ingtar Shinowa

The Gathering Storm

10. Favourite scene

Veins of Gold
A Visit from Verin Sedai
A Halo of Blackness

Special mention goes to Tam calling Cadsuane out on being nothing more than a bully, however!

11. Favourite character

Rand al'Thor
Verin Mathwin
Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag

12. Most irritating character

Elaida do'Avriny a'Roihan
Any Aes Sedai Egwene 'debates' with.
Egwene al'Vere

13. Best plot resolution for you

Veins of Gold
A Visit from Verin Sedai
A Force of Light

14. Brandon Sanderson was spot on with which characters

Rand al'Thor
Egwene al'Vere
Cadsuane Melaidhrin

15. Characters that differed the most with RJ and Brandon

Elaida do'Avriny a'Roihan
Matrim Cauthon
Talmanes Delovinde

16. Biggest disappointment in the book

Elaida do'Avriny a'Roihan
The Seanchan raid.
Every Aes Sedai Egwene 'debated' with.

17. Character you wished to see but who didn't show up much

Supposing this also means I expected to see them in thse storylines:

Mattin Steppaneos
Graendal (she technically appeared, but still. I don't dislike her end, but wish we'd seen more of her previous.)

18. Best quote in the book

It's all right, Wisdom. I've known men who, when challenged, always turn to their fists for answers. I've never liked Aes Sedai; I was happy to be rid of them when I returned to my farm. A bully is a bully, whether she uses the strength of her arms or other means. ~Tamlin al'Thor
Why do we live again? Maybe... Why? Could it be... Maybe it's so that we can have a second chance. ~ "Lews Therin Telamon"
How do you fight someone smarter than yourself? The answer is simple. You make her think that you are sitting down across the table from her, ready to play her game. Then you punch her in the face as hard as you can. ~ Rand al'Thor

The Future

19. Character most likely to cause a stir in the new book

Moiraine Damodred
Mazrim Taim
Galadedrid Damodred

20. Plot element you're anticipating most

The Black Tower division.
The Battle of Caemlyn.
The main players' reunion.

21. Scene you're hoping will occur

Well, all the above, really. I'm pretty sure they will.


22. Your favourite theory you've read

I don't recall much of the theories here, really. otherwise, I'd say:
The Longest Theory
The Uncrowned King
The Everlasting Fade

23. Your favourite debate on RAFO

Can't especially think of one.

24. Subject that causes the most anger on the board


25. Subject that, like a broken record, just won't stop repeating despite extensive debates

One Power strength, and I blame you.

26. Poster whose posts you just love

Ah... haven't noticed a particular poster in my time here, I'm sorry to say.

27. The most appalling idea you've encountered on this board

What Tylin did to Mat wasn't really rape. Okay, it's from Wotmania, but seriously, whiskey tango foxtrot.

28. Your favourite fight on the board

Cannoli and anybody who isn't me.

29. Most stubborn poster

Is Etzel still here? Yeah, seriously it wasn't Slayer.

30. Poster you'd like to mindtrap

I am unsure of the implications of this. But presumably Sidious, I think it's part of my mandate as archnemesis or something.

The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter

Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
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The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 04/01/2010 10:38:27 AM 3031 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 04/01/2010 01:07:50 PM 1244 Views
I only nominate in some of the categories, hope that's okay - 04/01/2010 03:45:30 PM 1229 Views
- 04/01/2010 05:43:28 PM 1114 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 04/01/2010 07:24:53 PM 1166 Views
Gah. - 04/01/2010 11:29:05 PM 1169 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 05/01/2010 12:08:42 AM 760 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 05/01/2010 04:41:00 AM 1053 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 05/01/2010 05:06:07 AM 693 Views
Wow, this took forever. Better be worth it -EDITED - 05/01/2010 06:37:07 AM 1345 Views
Ho, hum. - 05/01/2010 08:10:01 AM 1730 Views
Of course it was Slayer! - 05/01/2010 12:00:09 PM 1088 Views
- 05/01/2010 07:02:28 PM 1040 Views
I nominate... - 05/01/2010 12:22:03 PM 1190 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 05/01/2010 06:55:24 PM 1150 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 05/01/2010 07:47:12 PM 998 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 05/01/2010 09:27:47 PM 1010 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 05/01/2010 09:43:04 PM 1104 Views
Fiiiine, I'll work my brain a bit. - 06/01/2010 07:33:50 AM 1117 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 07/01/2010 06:12:58 PM 654 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 07/01/2010 10:46:19 PM 737 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 08/01/2010 05:00:09 PM 1071 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 09/01/2010 06:30:19 AM 682 Views
Some nominations! - 09/01/2010 10:54:32 PM 1145 Views
Some more nominations!! - 10/01/2010 02:03:52 AM 1044 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 10/01/2010 10:05:49 PM 598 Views
Ok! I filled in a few. *NM* - 13/01/2010 02:32:52 AM 686 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 13/01/2010 03:40:38 PM 973 Views
Sneaking in at the last minute - 13/01/2010 11:54:48 PM 981 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 21/01/2010 02:28:36 AM 600 Views
So, when does the next phase of your master plan begin? *NM* - 26/01/2010 09:45:28 PM 618 Views
My first post on this site, or any site for that matter. - 03/02/2010 12:16:20 AM 1037 Views
So....? *NM* - 22/02/2010 10:43:31 PM 605 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 01/03/2010 12:21:02 AM 1064 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 05/03/2010 09:18:41 AM 569 Views
Hey Sidious - 08/04/2010 03:58:24 AM 945 Views
um..why is something that is not happenning right at the top of the list of posts? - 08/05/2010 04:23:10 PM 951 Views
De-announced... oh well *NM* - 09/05/2010 06:10:17 PM 558 Views
Here are mine. - 09/05/2010 06:49:31 PM 1001 Views

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