Active Users:1978 Time:18/01/2025 07:03:42 PM
Wow, this took forever. Better be worth it -EDITED BlackAdder Send a noteboard - 05/01/2010 06:37:07 AM
Please write down THREE or less replies under each topic...

Wheel of Time - in general

1. Favourite book in the series

1. The Eye of the World
2. Lord of Chaos
3. The Shadow Rising

2. Favourite character in the series

1. Lews Therin
2. Birgitte
3. Mat

3. Least favourite book in the series

1. Crossroads of Twilight
2. The Great Hunt
3. The Gathering Storm

4. Least favourite character in the series

1. Cadsuane
2. Egwene
3. Perrin

5. Best scene in the series

1. Taim and the Asha'man at Dumai's Wells
2. The Cleansing/Battle of Shadar Logoth
3. Mat blows the Horn of Valere/Rand and Ishamael at Falme

6. Favourite quote in the series

1. "He was better. But he thought I was finished, with only one arm. He never understood. You surrender after you’re dead."
-Lan, New Spring
2. "The Wheel of Time and the wheel of a man's life turn alike without pity or mercy."
-Lews Therin, Lord of Chaos
3. "Aran'gar claimed that the rebel Aes Sedai would eventually secure the Tower, though Graendal herself wasn't certain. Who would be victorious, the child or the fool? Did it matter?"
-Graendal, The Gathering Storm
7. Most heartbreaking scene in the series

1. Lews Therin destroys himself.
2. Balthamel killed by a tree.
3. Egwene becomes Amyrlin.

8. Your favourite culture in the series

1. Age of Legends
2. Manetheren
3. Trollocs

9. Your favourite insignificant character in the series

1. Riselle
2. Bela
3. Narg

The Gathering Storm

10. Favourite scene

1. Forsaken meeting in Moridin's lair.
2. Ituralde ambushes and routs Seanchan forces in Arad Doman.
3. Hmm.. a third one, this is tough. Verin kills herself was a nice touch.

11. Favourite character

1. Ramashalan
2. Rand
3. Ituralde

12. Most irritating character

1. Cadsuane
2. Egwene
3. Perrin

13. Best plot resolution for you

1. Egwene wins. Whoo-hoo. Bow down to your new master.
2. Verin was Black and she did lie.
3. There were other things that were resolved in this book?

14. Brandon Sanderson was spot on with which characters

1. Rand
2. Egwene
3. Cadsuane

15. Characters that differed the most with RJ and Brandon

1. Elaida
2. Mat
3. Talmanes

16. Biggest disappointment in the book

1. Semirhage broken like an egg
2. Lews Therin gone forever?
3. Perrin

17. Character you wished to see but who didn't show up much

1. Moiraine
2. Demandred
3. Birgitte

18. Best quote in the book

1. "Aran'gar claimed that the rebel Aes Sedai would eventually secure the Tower, though Graendal herself wasn't certain. Who would be victorious, the child or the fool? Did it matter?"
-Graendal, What the Storm Means
2. "Tam cut off as he was suddenly lifted into the air by unseen hands. 'You recall, perhaps, what I said about civility, boy?' Cadsuane asked.
'Cadsuane!' Nynaeve said. 'You don't need to--'
'It's all right, Wisdom,' Tam said. He looked at Cadsuane. Min had seen her treat others like this, including Rand. He had always grown frustrated, and others she did it to were prone to bellowing.
Tam stared her in the eyes. 'I've known men who, when challenged, always turn to their fists for answers. I've never liked Aes Sedai; I was happy to be rid of them when I returned to my farm. A bully is a bully, whether she uses the strength of her arm or other means.'
Cadsuane snorted...
-Tam, Reading the Commentary
3. "'I don't trust you,' Egwene found herself blurting. 'I don't think I ever have.'
'Very wise,' Verin said, sipping her tea. It was not a scent Egwene recognized. 'I am, after all, of the Black Ajah.'"
-Egwene and Verin, A Visit from Verin Sedai

The Future

19. Character most likely to cause a stir in the new book

1. Moiraine
2. Demandred
3. Tuon

20. Plot element you're anticipating most

1. Cadsuane broken
2. Egwene dies
3. Perrin grows a brain

21. Scene you're hoping will occur

1. Cadsuane broken
2. Egwene dies
3. Perrin grows a brain


22. Your favourite theory you've read

Ah, this is exactly what the "Favorite Threads" feature is for!

1. "Mysterious New Forsaken?" - Hopper Aes Sedai.
2. "If the Forsaken really wanted to defeat the Light - gateways at the bottom of the ocean..." - Shannow
3. "I have a similar theory" (Neurotransmitters and channeling) - Sidious

23. Your favourite debate on RAFO

1. Is Graendal dead?
A. "Graendal's fate?" - Ashaman Narishma
B. "Graendal: What would you do when a man appears at your door?" - Syraelle
C. "Graendal" - guttering flame
2. Who is Demandred?
A. "C'mon People, who the hell is Demandred" - Team Aan'allein
B. "A new bit on Demandred" - Etzel
3. Who is Mesaana?

24. Subject that causes the most anger on the board

1. Egwene
2. Cadsuane
3. One Power strength distribution

25. Subject that, like a broken record, just won't stop repeating despite extensive debates

1. One Power strength distribution
2. Who killed Asmodean?
3. Egwene sucks

26. Poster whose posts you just love

1. Cannoli
2. Fanatic-Templar
3. Shannow

27. The most appalling idea you've encountered on this board

In what way? Shockingly good or shockingly bad? Or just dumb? Hopefully you will clarify so I can answer this properly.

28. Your favourite fight on the board

1. Is Graendal dead?
2. Who is Demandred?
3. Who would win a fight?

29. Most stubborn poster

1. I nominate everyone on this board.

30. Poster you'd like to mindtrap

Hmm, does this mean good or bad? I guess it's up to interpretation!
1. Shannow - love the theories.
2. Deadsy - the persistence of OMG is impressive.
3. Well, I originally said NaClH2O, but he seems to have disappeared. Better to choose someone still active, so I'll say darius_sedai instead. Very determined arguments.
This message last edited by BlackAdder on 14/01/2010 at 12:49:37 AM
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The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 04/01/2010 10:38:27 AM 3016 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 04/01/2010 01:07:50 PM 1202 Views
I only nominate in some of the categories, hope that's okay - 04/01/2010 03:45:30 PM 1188 Views
- 04/01/2010 05:43:28 PM 1077 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 04/01/2010 07:24:53 PM 1122 Views
Gah. - 04/01/2010 11:29:05 PM 1127 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 05/01/2010 12:08:42 AM 746 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 05/01/2010 04:41:00 AM 1016 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 05/01/2010 05:06:07 AM 676 Views
Wow, this took forever. Better be worth it -EDITED - 05/01/2010 06:37:07 AM 1305 Views
Ho, hum. - 05/01/2010 08:10:01 AM 1687 Views
Of course it was Slayer! - 05/01/2010 12:00:09 PM 1052 Views
- 05/01/2010 07:02:28 PM 993 Views
I nominate... - 05/01/2010 12:22:03 PM 1156 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 05/01/2010 06:55:24 PM 1113 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 05/01/2010 07:47:12 PM 982 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 05/01/2010 09:27:47 PM 976 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 05/01/2010 09:43:04 PM 1065 Views
Fiiiine, I'll work my brain a bit. - 06/01/2010 07:33:50 AM 1082 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 07/01/2010 06:12:58 PM 636 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 07/01/2010 10:46:19 PM 717 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 08/01/2010 05:00:09 PM 1038 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 09/01/2010 06:30:19 AM 668 Views
Some nominations! - 09/01/2010 10:54:32 PM 1106 Views
Some more nominations!! - 10/01/2010 02:03:52 AM 997 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 10/01/2010 10:05:49 PM 583 Views
Ok! I filled in a few. *NM* - 13/01/2010 02:32:52 AM 664 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 13/01/2010 03:40:38 PM 937 Views
Sneaking in at the last minute - 13/01/2010 11:54:48 PM 944 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 21/01/2010 02:28:36 AM 586 Views
So, when does the next phase of your master plan begin? *NM* - 26/01/2010 09:45:28 PM 604 Views
My first post on this site, or any site for that matter. - 03/02/2010 12:16:20 AM 993 Views
So....? *NM* - 22/02/2010 10:43:31 PM 590 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! - 01/03/2010 12:21:02 AM 1022 Views
Re: The WOTawards.... place your nominations now! *NM* - 05/03/2010 09:18:41 AM 554 Views
Hey Sidious - 08/04/2010 03:58:24 AM 908 Views
um..why is something that is not happenning right at the top of the list of posts? - 08/05/2010 04:23:10 PM 916 Views
De-announced... oh well *NM* - 09/05/2010 06:10:17 PM 542 Views
Here are mine. - 09/05/2010 06:49:31 PM 967 Views

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