Re: and you are fixated on simple strength to the exclusion of everything else
Sidious Send a noteboard - 04/01/2010 06:46:45 PM
On my scale Nynaeve is probably about a 430 and Moghedien could be as strong as a 400, but IMO more likely a (375-385) with Egwene no more than 360 (as the scale showed there is a power ranges in each level). That makes her about 10% weaker than Nynaeve and about 10% stronger than Egwene. Which from what I've seen in the books is consistent with the actual evidence ... makes Egwene about 20% weaker than Nynaeve.
Lol, using the extremes of those levels as justification is pretty weak if you ask me. In the end your list suggests that Egwene is as close to Moghedien as Verin is to Sheriam, which would mean an almost negligible difference in strength. Once again, Egwene thinks that only Nynaeve can stand up to one of the Forsaken, therefore Egwene is not in this league.
You are so focused on strength that you always think that the stronger channeler should win. Honestly IMO it wouldn't matter if Moghedien was 50% weaker than Egwene. She would still kick her ass in a duel! The only reason Nynaeve won (despite being at least equal in strength) was because she caught Moghedien off guard and forced the situation into a battle of strength... which d'uh Nynaeve won!
So in other words strength doesn't matter unless the channeler makes strength the issue? Hehe, I do find this all rather amusing.
You think you're the only one who can respect the value of skill and strength, when in actual fact posters like Shannow and myself pay careful attention to it despite what you may think. The point is that you still don't get it. You're ranting about skill but you don't realise how irrelevant it is in these situations. The Forsaken have more skill than any modern channelers - they cannot be outclassed in this area. Therefore, all modern age channelers have to go on is strength. When someone comes along with Lanfear or Demandred's skill we can talk again, but until then, modern channelers need to rely on raw power, angreal, sa'angreal and circles to win. You can blab about skill all you want - you can't outclass the Forsaken so the point is irrelevant.
I think it's an "in addition too" thought, I'm saying the quote above is a complex thought process that addresses multiple things, you and Shannow continue to say that the only point that matters is the strength comment. IMO that's just a simple acknowledgment of an obvious fact! And she never says Nynaeve could beat Moghedien, she says Nynaeve is the only woman with Forsaken level strength. The rest is your interpretation.
She says that only Nynaeve can match one of the Forsaken - that's what she really says. The whole point of the quote is to demonstrate that Egwene has no chance against the Forsaken, which your strength list allows no matter how vehemently you deny it. If Moiraine could in desperation attack Merean, then Egwene certainly could go for Moghedien if she's only one level lower. Egwene has no idea what Moghedien's skill or knowledge is, and we know that Nynaeve is unskilled - it's logical to assume she's talking about strength in the Power, not narrow minded.
That's why I explicitly stated "I think". And for the record I do think the duels against Rahvin and Sammael were heavily in Rand's favor... he had the element of surprise, and an angreal too.
What does surprise even mean? What would you have the channelers do... stand and duel formally after a countdown?
Where did I say it detracted from the strength debate? I didn't. In fact it drives home the point that Nynaeve is stronger in Potential than Moghedien. You keep putting words in my mouth. I've never once said I think Nynaeve isn't as strong as a FS, in fact, I've argued for years that she's one of the very most powerful women possible!
I never said you said Nynaeve is weak, merely that you place a lot of emphasis on skill when Egwene is referring to an unquestionably unskilled channeler.
Nynaeve just didn't need to rely on skill since she was able to make it about strength. As for TAR, that shows nothing about Nynaeve's strength in the Power, only that Moghedien was over-confident and Nynaeve very smart with amazing will power. Don't forget that Egwene escaped Moghedien's trap in TAR too, does that somehow make her stronger than Moghedien now?
I really can't believe you say this stuff. So Nynaeve didn't need skill because she made it about strength. Who's to say that most OP duels aren't about that?
1. We have no evidence that Lanfear "is the world's most skilled woman" ... she never even earned distinction in her own age! I'd say both Graendal and Semirhage had more skill than her.
RJ himself said that Lanfear, Graendal and Semirhage were the most prominent females in the Shadow due to their physical skills. Just because you think Graendal or Semirhage are better doesn't make it so. Lanfear was as close to as strong and skilled as a woman can be, even if her peers were equal or close.
2. Alivia knew more destructive weaves than any AS so she's not entirely unskilled in this situation
And yet Cadsuane saw fit to cover her in a powerful angreal and several ter'angreal. Strange, considering Cadsuane knows that Alivia is incredibly powerful.
3. Graendal and Demandred both faced circles which I think probably helped hold them off... not to mention both of those circles were led by very experienced people.... yet Kumira was killed and Saren nearly died as well.
Beldeine... Beldeine was injured. It's laughable to think that Daigian, Flinn or Verin came close in skill to Demandred or Graendal.
4. Non of the 3rd agers have enough skill to really go head to head with one of the FS and hope to win without help.
Which has been my point from the beginning. They aren't close in skill, and they need strength. You interpret this as only caring about strength when in actual fact it's acknowledging what they need to do to defeat a large gap in strength and skill.
Over and over I've said Egwene would stand no chance against one of the FS, I just don't think it's ONLY about strength! Perhaps in 100 years she will have grown enough in skill to stand a chance, but given the inherent advantage of the AoL teachings even that is doubtful.
But this is a foregone conclusion, and yet you stubbornly think that she's only a level down from Moghedien. Egwene is much more skilled than Nynaeve - why can't she fight Moghedien if Nynaeve can use no skill and greater strength? Clearly Egwene's strength is far below Moghedien's and she realizes her limitations.
Rand has the benefit of LTT's memories to teach him many weaves and skills, coupled with his massive strength he's going to nearly always come out on top in any kind of duel.
What is this referring to? It's obvious.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
One Power strength - critical analysis of previous posts and some further ideas
03/01/2010 07:59:24 AM
I support your view, with maybe a few comments to add...
03/01/2010 02:58:05 PM
where is this phantom quote of Egwene "not standing a chance"
03/01/2010 05:20:20 PM
Here's the real quote
03/01/2010 05:38:59 PM
Well that quote perfectly illustrates the skewed way in which you interpret the evidence...
03/01/2010 06:18:22 PM
I also think the quote is specific
03/01/2010 06:34:38 PM
Skill not Strength is the key that and the potential that another FS was with her
03/01/2010 06:51:46 PM
03/01/2010 07:13:01 PM
Who's arguing that?
03/01/2010 07:34:21 PM
What ARE you arguing?
03/01/2010 07:43:06 PM
That there is far more to strength in her quote!
03/01/2010 08:05:20 PM
Re: That there is far more to strength in her quote!
04/01/2010 09:40:05 AM
and where do I ever say Elayne is only a small step below Moghedien?
04/01/2010 03:08:37 PM
You more than imply it with your own list
04/01/2010 03:39:06 PM
and you are fixated on simple strength to the exclusion of everything else
04/01/2010 05:05:54 PM
Re: and you are fixated on simple strength to the exclusion of everything else
04/01/2010 06:46:45 PM
Tiny Unimportant Objection to "Bell Curve" Point
03/01/2010 03:09:55 PM
Re: Tiny Unimportant Objection to "Bell Curve" Point
03/01/2010 04:39:25 PM
I've got a slightly revised opinion than my last post
03/01/2010 05:16:39 PM
Re: I've got a slightly revised opinion than my last post
03/01/2010 06:31:09 PM
It's actually not that complicated ... simple math actually
03/01/2010 07:08:52 PM
Yes, but to think that RJ put that much effort into it is improbable
03/01/2010 07:19:13 PM
I'm being harsh with one poster who continues to mis-quote things!
03/01/2010 07:56:17 PM
Re: I'm being harsh with one poster who continues to mis-quote things!
04/01/2010 09:50:38 AM
Re: I'm being harsh with one poster who continues to mis-quote things!
04/01/2010 03:26:10 PM
Re: I'm being harsh with one poster who continues to mis-quote things!
04/01/2010 03:52:19 PM
You are talking out of both sides of your mouth
04/01/2010 05:09:15 PM
04/01/2010 06:21:28 PM
Dude, please go back to Fionwe's post
04/01/2010 06:35:03 PM
A reply...
03/01/2010 06:02:33 PM
The Tower sample is skewed allright, but to the upper side of the strength range...
03/01/2010 06:36:45 PM
Re: A reply...
03/01/2010 07:09:55 PM
I think distance is related to Strength
03/01/2010 07:21:46 PM
amusing side note
04/01/2010 05:22:39 AM
Which is exactly what I envisage the AOL distribution to have looked like...
04/01/2010 07:03:51 AM
Re: Which is exactly what I envisage the AOL distribution to have looked like...
04/01/2010 03:29:47 PM
It may sound silly, but did you look at One Power values in the Wheel of Time CCG?
05/01/2010 12:56:41 AM
Re: It may sound silly, but did you look at One Power values in the Wheel of Time CCG?
05/01/2010 07:33:21 AM