I only nominate in some of the categories, hope that's okay
Vidarfe Send a noteboard - 04/01/2010 03:45:30 PM
">Wheel of Time - in general
2. Favourite character in the series
2. Favourite character in the series
4. Least favourite character in the series
5. Best scene in the series
Rand and Elaynes ... ehm ... "quality time" in WH

6. Favourite quote in the series
"Lead me to this oosquai of yours, Aviendha" - mostly because of the context it's said in.
8. Your favourite culture in the series
The Gathering Storm
10. Favourite scene
10. Favourite scene
The spanking of Semirhage
12. Most irritating character
Lord Ramshalan
13. Best plot resolution for you
Egwene's storyline
17. Character you wished to see but who didn't show up much
Lan and Padan Fain
The Future
20. Plot element you're anticipating most
20. Plot element you're anticipating most
Padan Fain's ultimate fate
21. Scene you're hoping will occur
Logain purging the black tower and disposing of Mazrim Taim
22. Your favourite theory you've read
22. Your favourite theory you've read
All my favorite theories were at wotmania

25. Subject that, like a broken record, just won't stop repeating despite extensive debates
Egwene bashing
English is not my native language, please don't flame me when I make mistakes.
The WOTawards.... place your nominations now!
04/01/2010 10:38:27 AM

I only nominate in some of the categories, hope that's okay
04/01/2010 03:45:30 PM
Are you just trying to use the
as much as possible before it disappears?
06/01/2010 09:50:41 PM

I'm way late on the nominating, but not much seems to be happening yet...
10/04/2010 04:52:56 AM
um..why is something that is not happenning right at the top of the list of posts?
08/05/2010 04:23:10 PM