I agree - Edit 1
Before modification by Comet Sedai at 31/12/2009 09:22:36 PM
Coulda done without the sarcasm, but whatever. See, this is why I rarely posted on wotmania either, even though I was a member there forever. I used to post there that I liked Egwene and people absolutely KILLED themselves to tell me how stupid I was.
Ah well, few things bring out the crazy in people around like a good I-hate-Egwene fest. I personally don't hate Egwene. I'm not always pleased with her actions, but hate? Unapologetic no.
Even the who-killed-Asmo debates never devolved into the ad hominem idiocy that is a good I-hate-Egwene-and-you-should-too fest.

In response to your post, I really meant from a VIRTUOUS point of view although I guess that would have been easy to miss from my original post. I'm not saying she hasn't done anything amazing. But her motivations have rarely if ever been anything but spiteful, selfish, anger-based or rooted in a need to prove herself to others. Sending Lan off to ride through the Borderlands is the first thing I remember her doing that she actually did without baser motivation, setting her own selfishness aside in favor of the wants and needs of others. Even her protective nature toward Rand and Company seems to me less a true concern for their well-being and more of a territorial motivation, again springing from her own selfish needs to assert her authority. I don't doubt she cares about them, but she STILL thinks of them as "her" people, for crying out loud!
So, in general, I agree. Whether or not this is what RJ intended, this is how I found myself interpreting Nynaeve's character in EOTW: I HATE Moiraine...she called me 'girl'! SHE called ME girl! And then she goes and lures Two Rivers folks away...I'll teach her, I will. I'll bring them home! Where they belong! Asking MY permission before acting!
Now, granted, I am exaggerating here, but basically, Nynaeve in the early books was a the hero's quintessential bossy older sister, her righteousness a cloak for her desire for recognition. Yes, Nynaeve did care about the Two Rivers kids, that is true, but she was largely motivated (it seemed to me) by a desire to show Moiraine up, because Moiraine called her 'girl'. So much of her behavior in the early books was reactive to Moiraine...Moiraine's no angel, but I wanted to slap Nynaeve half the time, and strangle her the other.
Nyneave shows a similar attitude towards Elayne. Now, it is true that Elayne has her faults, but she can't help being written to take so many baths. When N and E are traveling the world together, Nynaeve seems to take especial pleasure whenever she can show Elayne that she knows something the high-and-mighty Daughter-Heir doesn't. It's ridiculous at times. I remember a few times once Aviendha joins them where Aviendha reflects on Nynaeve's blindness (Nynaeve has just said something to the effect of, "I can't abide women who stick there noses in everyone's business and tries to boss people around from morning 'til night."