[Nynaeve's] motivations have rarely if ever been anything but spiteful, selfish, anger-based or rooted in a need to prove herself to others.
Wow! We must not have read the same books! Nynaeve is the only female character there that truly cares about other people's well being beyond her own benefit. It starts out by her going after Moiraine (and Aes Sedai!) to help three boys from her village, and she never forsakes her roots and allegiences and remains a human being first and foremost - something unheard of for an Aes Sedai. She remains true to herself and its precisely her inability to pretend calmness and disinterest that gives her the strength.
Compare that to Egwene who completely abandons her home and family, never ever seems to think about them, treats her friends - especially Nynaeve who saved her a$$ several times - contemptuously and manipulatively. Even at the end of tGS she still thinks she needs to guide and control Rand, with no basis other than her belief in her own superiority of mind. I won't deny that Egwene is a powerful character, whose performance in the last books was phenomenal, and she has the potential to be a great Amyrlin - but only if she starts actually *caring* about people rather than only her goals and the White Tower. Until then, she remains a superb administrator, but as heartless as any.
Forgive me if I tend to admire people more for their inner motivations and core characters than their surface accomplishments. Sorry.
And that is precisely why I love Nynaeve far better than Egwene.
I got tGS for Christmas - some comments with spoilers
27/12/2009 11:34:40 PM
Re: I got tGS for Christmas - some comments with spoilers
28/12/2009 01:00:13 AM
How did you ever wait?
28/12/2009 03:57:32 PM
28/12/2009 04:25:29 PM
Well, technically...
28/12/2009 05:28:52 PM