Active Users:501 Time:23/11/2024 05:25:26 PM
You are mistaken on quite a few counts. - Edit 1

Before modification by RugbyPlayingAshaman at 29/12/2009 04:39:34 PM

I never said that any of the theories indicated Graendal was the killer, but they could. My point was that they are more convincing than the one you have presented.

By the way, the powers the Shadowspawn have are unrelated to the True Power or the One Power - Aginor did something in their creation that gave them these abilities. Just as the Dark One does not seem to have used the True Power to do any of His more powerful version of reality twisting.

And, IMHO, the Dark One already has far more powerful and silent assassins in Moghedien and Lanfear. It's part of their modus operandi to kill targets using T'A'R and the One Power. More useful than some guy with personality issues and a knife.

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