Active Users:400 Time:10/03/2025 07:26:38 AM
No, you're not. It was OK - I was more happy that the series seemed to be progressing - Edit 1

Before modification by RugbyPlayingAshaman at 29/12/2009 03:56:53 PM

I re-read it a couple of times, and the little inconsistencies you spoke of and others have referenced become more and more glaring each time. There were quite a few sections, especially during the Tower raid, that didn't have the pay off they should have.

I actually gave it to a friend of mines who started the series but didn't have time to buy the book before finals started for him. To put this into perspective, I've read through three different copies of The Shadow Rising so many times that each have fallen apart necessitating new purchases and has numerous bookkmarks and dogears in Books II, III, V and VI. But with TGS I re-read a few sections, then gave it away to be returned later in 2010.

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