Ya I know what you mean...Healing Stilling and Gentling..Anyone could have done that..That whole thing where she aided in cleansing the taint on Saidin? pointless..Beating one of the Forsaken in a one on one battle when she was still an Accepted? Hell who couldn't do that. The fact that of all the main characters in the series she is the only on who has tried to stay true to her roots and loyal to her friends is retarded right? Ya Nynaeve..what a worthless waste....

Flinn also discovered Healing Stilling, any woman of the right strength could have been with Rand at the Cleansing and ooh aah she beat Moghedien in what was possibly the worst duel ever! IMO the only reason she won that duel was because she caught Moggy by surprise and overpowered her before Moggy had a chance to really do anything special.
As for staying true to her roots? While I'll say she has more so than the others, I don't necessarily see that as a positive thing. It's holding her back and makes her a monster hypocrite 99% of the time.
Also she basically says she's not the same anymore and doesn't want to be in TGS
But despite all that I find her to be an endearing character... her ability to love and care for those around her is immense and her loyalty is to be commended ... none of the other TR people have a 10th of her loyalty toward Rand.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
I got tGS for Christmas - some comments with spoilers
27/12/2009 11:34:40 PM
Re: I got tGS for Christmas - some comments with spoilers
28/12/2009 01:00:13 AM
How did you ever wait?
28/12/2009 03:57:32 PM
28/12/2009 04:25:29 PM
Well, technically...
28/12/2009 05:28:52 PM