They could have just not finished the series.
Crackbrained Asha'man Send a noteboard - 24/12/2009 06:16:49 AM
Having just re read the rest of the series after completing tGS, I just can't bring myself to read tGS again.
The rest of the series has just hit home what an appalling mess tGS is. The slightly off characters, The moronic internal ramblings. The meandering dialogue. The basic step by step descriptions of every thing that happens.
The recent messageboard discussion on Hinderstap really brought it all home to me too.
My initial feelings were that tGS was .....ok.... I gave it the benefit of the doubt.
But as I sat at home with it last night I just could read the thing. I thumbed through read a couple of lines here and there, couldn't get off the first page when I tried to start it.
It is just a complete mess of a book when held beside the rest of the series.
Anyway it now resides in a cardboard box in my spare room together with Bridget Jones diary and whatever other books of the week my girlfriend happened to buy, and not read, this month, where it will stay.
I will still buy the remaining two books to find out what happens and will read them at least once, But I fear I will not enjoy them, I will just be finding out the ending.
Am I alone in this opinion?
The rest of the series has just hit home what an appalling mess tGS is. The slightly off characters, The moronic internal ramblings. The meandering dialogue. The basic step by step descriptions of every thing that happens.
The recent messageboard discussion on Hinderstap really brought it all home to me too.
My initial feelings were that tGS was .....ok.... I gave it the benefit of the doubt.
But as I sat at home with it last night I just could read the thing. I thumbed through read a couple of lines here and there, couldn't get off the first page when I tried to start it.
It is just a complete mess of a book when held beside the rest of the series.
Anyway it now resides in a cardboard box in my spare room together with Bridget Jones diary and whatever other books of the week my girlfriend happened to buy, and not read, this month, where it will stay.
I will still buy the remaining two books to find out what happens and will read them at least once, But I fear I will not enjoy them, I will just be finding out the ending.
Am I alone in this opinion?
As others have already said; Sanderson is not RJ and isn't trying to be. He writes with his style and what works for him. I know that having the last 15% of a series written by a different Author isn't ideal and characters and descriptions you've grown accustom to are no longer the same, but that doesn't mean that those books are necessarily bad.
I personally really enjoyed TSG. I'd say it's one of my favorites' in the series and I'm really looking forward to the last two books and will be considering books by Sanderson in the future. Given the circumstances I'm glad that the series is being finished by an author that is willing and able to adapt his writing style to Characters and a World that are not his creation rather that have the series never finished.
While the wicked stand confounded call me, with thy saint surrounded
Can't bring myself to re-read tGS
23/12/2009 12:01:33 PM
I think pretty much alone, yes
23/12/2009 01:39:52 PM
I'm sorry you feel that way. I thought Sanderson did an outstanding job. *NM*
23/12/2009 04:30:16 PM
People who post on WOT messageboards do not comprise a reprsentative sample
23/12/2009 07:01:48 PM
Re: People who post on WOT messageboards do not comprise a reprsentative sample
23/12/2009 10:34:15 PM
They could have just not finished the series.
24/12/2009 06:16:49 AM
It was better than POD or COT if you ask me. It was as good as I could have asked for from BS *NM*
25/12/2009 12:10:51 AM
OK, maybe the writting wasn't as good, but the story was better than the previous couple of books *NM*
29/12/2009 08:24:17 AM
No, you're not. It was OK - I was more happy that the series seemed to be progressing
29/12/2009 03:43:59 PM
Except for the Mat parts, it was fairly good.
30/12/2009 04:30:15 AM
Yeah, CoT is one of the WoT books I don't even use as a reference. I try to forget it. *NM*
30/12/2009 03:53:25 PM
The Mat parts were the only places I was jarred by the difference in writing style
14/01/2010 03:12:58 PM
Sorry, but I think Jordan was not writing all that well himself anymore
14/01/2010 09:19:07 AM