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Re: People who post on WOT messageboards do not comprise a reprsentative sample MissKoalaVB Send a noteboard - 23/12/2009 10:34:15 PM
It took me until this week to want to reread and that was only b/c I didn't have anything else to read. I totally enjoyed the book, b/c as others have said, things happen, but that just makes me want more things to happen . . . .
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Can't bring myself to re-read tGS - 23/12/2009 12:01:33 PM 1657 Views
I think pretty much alone, yes - 23/12/2009 01:39:52 PM 1020 Views
I have to was very enjoyable - 23/12/2009 01:48:39 PM 957 Views
I dont know if it's my first favorite or second favorite *NM* - 23/12/2009 04:07:53 PM 397 Views
tGS is IMHO easily one of the top 5 books in the series. *NM* - 23/12/2009 04:28:34 PM 493 Views
No, tGS was a pile of crap. *NM* - 23/12/2009 02:52:40 PM 409 Views
There were parts that clearly needed some help... - 23/12/2009 05:23:22 PM 932 Views
Pretty good given the circumstances. I'm grateful. - 23/12/2009 06:49:46 PM 1021 Views
People who post on WOT messageboards do not comprise a reprsentative sample - 23/12/2009 07:01:48 PM 895 Views
Re: People who post on WOT messageboards do not comprise a reprsentative sample - 23/12/2009 10:34:15 PM 987 Views
Boo hoo hoo. *NM* - 24/12/2009 02:19:28 AM 370 Views
They could have just not finished the series. - 24/12/2009 06:16:49 AM 896 Views
Re: Can't bring myself to re-read tGS - 27/12/2009 09:00:53 PM 773 Views
Wow. I thought it was a LOT better than some previous books. - 27/12/2009 11:02:13 PM 898 Views
No, you're not. It was OK - I was more happy that the series seemed to be progressing - 29/12/2009 03:43:59 PM 709 Views
Except for the Mat parts, it was fairly good. - 30/12/2009 04:30:15 AM 749 Views
Yeah, CoT is one of the WoT books I don't even use as a reference. I try to forget it. *NM* - 30/12/2009 03:53:25 PM 390 Views
It's kind of sad - 31/12/2009 03:25:03 AM 769 Views
Re: Except for the Mat parts, it was fairly good. - 17/01/2010 10:49:29 PM 831 Views
I couldn't disagree more. - 17/01/2010 11:06:52 PM 776 Views
Not alone! - 19/01/2010 05:41:03 AM 719 Views

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