Thanks to all who replied. Well, here is the passage from Winter's Heart, Chapter 13.
BlackAdder Send a noteboard - 23/12/2009 09:51:47 PM
Suddenly the rat twisted, trying to sink its teeth into his wrist. Casually, he flung the creature away. In midair, there was a burst of flame, something hotter than flame, and the rat was gone. Moridin smiled.
Demandred flinched in spite of himself. That had been the True Power; he had felt nothing.
Demandred flinched in spite of himself. That had been the True Power; he had felt nothing.
OK, so TP can't be sensed. End of story, right?
He himself had never touched the True Power, except at need. Great need. Of course, only Moridin had that privilege now, since his... anointing.
Ah, none of the Forsaken have access to the TP anymore, so of course they can't sense it.
I still think the issue is inconclusive, but this also explains the other issue of why Semi couldn't sense Rand channeling the TP.
Weaving the True Power - can it be sensed?
23/12/2009 12:23:09 AM
Thanks to all who replied. Well, here is the passage from Winter's Heart, Chapter 13.
23/12/2009 09:51:47 PM