Q: "Nobody who can channel saidin or saidar can sense the True Power. And, since the Forsaken don't seem to notice Moridin channeling the True Power, is it detectable at all (besides by a gholam)? That is, can someone already holding the True Power sense another using it?"
RJ: "No. Not by any method we've seen yet."
You can apparently design a ter'angreal to sense the TP at least. After all, the True Power was also sensed by those, who later drilled the Bore. But normally, as the others said, you can't sense the TP. Of course, you still see the weave, e.g. a TP balefire.
RJ: "No. Not by any method we've seen yet."
You can apparently design a ter'angreal to sense the TP at least. After all, the True Power was also sensed by those, who later drilled the Bore. But normally, as the others said, you can't sense the TP. Of course, you still see the weave, e.g. a TP balefire.
This message last edited by Etzel on 23/12/2009 at 04:52:04 PM
Weaving the True Power - can it be sensed?
23/12/2009 12:23:09 AM
According to RJ, it might be possible
23/12/2009 04:51:13 PM
Thanks to all who replied. Well, here is the passage from Winter's Heart, Chapter 13.
23/12/2009 09:51:47 PM