Hey all,
I just want to take a minute to encourage everyone over here on the Wheel of Time board to consider participating in the Book Club in January.
I've noticed that a lot of the time when I run non-WoT Quickpolls the overwhelming response is that people just haven't read the stuff in question, even when it's big, well known books.
I want to ecourage you guys to step outside your comfort zone, just for a little bit, and give different books a go. Wheel of Time is undoubtably good, but there's other great stuff out there that you'll miss out on if you don't read around a little.
The book club is once every 2 month; all I'm asking is that you rent the book from your local library, give it a bit of time, and then join in on the discussions. Easy, eh?
Today's quickpoll is up for choosing the Sci-Fi/Fantasy book we're going to read, so visit it and vote for the one you most want to read, or have heard good things about, or just sounds interesting. There'll be another poll tomorrow for an "Other Literature" bookclub (i.e. non-Fantasy) that will run parallel to the SFF one.
You can find out more over on the SFF Board.
Thanks for reading!
I just want to take a minute to encourage everyone over here on the Wheel of Time board to consider participating in the Book Club in January.
I've noticed that a lot of the time when I run non-WoT Quickpolls the overwhelming response is that people just haven't read the stuff in question, even when it's big, well known books.
I want to ecourage you guys to step outside your comfort zone, just for a little bit, and give different books a go. Wheel of Time is undoubtably good, but there's other great stuff out there that you'll miss out on if you don't read around a little.
The book club is once every 2 month; all I'm asking is that you rent the book from your local library, give it a bit of time, and then join in on the discussions. Easy, eh?
Today's quickpoll is up for choosing the Sci-Fi/Fantasy book we're going to read, so visit it and vote for the one you most want to read, or have heard good things about, or just sounds interesting. There'll be another poll tomorrow for an "Other Literature" bookclub (i.e. non-Fantasy) that will run parallel to the SFF one.
You can find out more over on the SFF Board.
Thanks for reading!
It's all my fault...
Vegas Aug 17-18 - A Night to Remember
Spoony made this aaaages ago for me. Never got to use it though... until now!
Vegas Aug 17-18 - A Night to Remember
Spoony made this aaaages ago for me. Never got to use it though... until now!
Book Club
14/12/2009 08:28:22 AM