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Let he who has no sin cast the first stone redhand Send a noteboard - 10/12/2009 04:34:06 PM
She committed the crime of hiding a Forsaken from justice. And if
She swear fealty to Suian under the light and with her hope of salvation, would that work?
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Egwene - hypocrite - 10/12/2009 01:20:24 PM 1517 Views
Re: Egwene - hypocrite - 10/12/2009 01:33:00 PM 1034 Views
Not the same at all really - 10/12/2009 02:12:36 PM 773 Views
How do you explain the BA Hunters? - 10/12/2009 02:21:28 PM 712 Views
I agree. - 10/12/2009 03:03:49 PM 675 Views
Agreed - 10/12/2009 04:01:40 PM 573 Views
Disagree - 10/12/2009 04:50:13 PM 657 Views
Just Agree to Disagree *NM* - 11/12/2009 12:53:46 PM 266 Views
What crime? Accepting her unethical promotions? Being afraid of the Hall's injustice? - 10/12/2009 03:51:05 PM 675 Views
Well... - 10/12/2009 03:58:48 PM 667 Views
Don't be ridiculous - 17/12/2009 12:05:46 PM 558 Views
But... - 10/12/2009 05:54:39 PM 547 Views
Let he who has no sin cast the first stone - 10/12/2009 04:34:06 PM 595 Views
Re: Let he who has no sin cast the first stone - 12/12/2009 12:41:33 PM 541 Views
Leane too - 13/12/2009 06:09:31 AM 529 Views
Not really - 10/12/2009 03:06:30 PM 648 Views
Really - 10/12/2009 04:52:10 PM 548 Views
Re: Really - 10/12/2009 11:56:30 PM 644 Views
Sure. - 10/12/2009 05:03:00 PM 523 Views
Actually, I agree. - 10/12/2009 06:47:22 PM 539 Views
I like Egwene - 10/12/2009 07:08:24 PM 590 Views
That really disappointed me. - 10/12/2009 07:29:14 PM 630 Views
funny, I'm more of the mind set that both groups were right - 11/12/2009 12:02:50 AM 560 Views
Not the problem. - 11/12/2009 12:13:26 AM 499 Views
I do agree with DomA and the others on the point that - 11/12/2009 07:13:31 AM 563 Views
Re: I do agree with DomA and the others on the point that - 11/12/2009 08:20:19 AM 621 Views
*shrugs* - 11/12/2009 02:06:47 PM 574 Views
You have no basis for that assertion. - 11/12/2009 07:12:03 PM 557 Views
Not really the case - 11/12/2009 07:20:43 PM 556 Views
They refuse to reveal the Ajah Heads to Egwene, despite her express orders. Doubt Meidani could... - 12/12/2009 09:44:23 AM 637 Views
Ah, true that. - 12/12/2009 07:20:04 PM 552 Views
Who said she wasn't wrong? - 12/12/2009 09:02:55 PM 530 Views
Re: Who said she wasn't wrong? - 13/12/2009 04:16:56 AM 565 Views
Re: Who said she wasn't wrong? - 13/12/2009 08:12:25 AM 600 Views
Re: Who said she wasn't wrong? - 13/12/2009 07:35:10 PM 517 Views
Re: Who said she wasn't wrong? - 13/12/2009 08:27:53 PM 510 Views
Not true. - 14/12/2009 02:41:28 AM 620 Views
I agree with most of your point - 10/12/2009 09:49:18 PM 642 Views
Fealty swearing sisters are no longer around... - 11/12/2009 12:57:49 AM 532 Views
Re: Fealty swearing sisters are no longer around... - 11/12/2009 07:18:33 AM 547 Views
The main differences between the two oaths - 10/12/2009 07:00:55 PM 760 Views
Of course she is a hypocrite - 11/12/2009 05:22:56 AM 564 Views
The same can be said of Nynaeve and Mat - 11/12/2009 07:20:47 AM 576 Views
Probably because they're all human - 12/12/2009 12:43:53 PM 500 Views
- 12/12/2009 04:05:13 PM 587 Views

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