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Not really DomA Send a noteboard - 10/12/2009 03:06:30 PM
Did anyone else react with surprise to Egwene's strong reaction to a 4th oath of fealty, when she herself extracted a similar oath (albeit not on the oath rod) from Theodrin, Faolain, and others?

Theodrin and Faolain offered their oath of fealty freely, so they don't count.

Nisao, Myrelle and the circle were offered by Egwene to overlook what they had done and keep her silence about their misdeeds (which at the time was politically dangerous to Egwene if the Hall found out) if in return they swore fealty so she could know they were loyal and not trying to usurp her authority and scheming in her back. They were supposed to be loyal, especially Sheriam as Keeper, but the women did what they wished and saw the Amyrlin as their personal puppet. They mistepped, Egwene/Siuan found out and took the opportunity. It's manipulative, but not tyranical. Egwene merely gained a bit of the ground she was supposed to have as Amyrlin. She left the women no choice but to see her as the Amyrlin.

What Egwene asked of the circle was no more than what rulers expect of their advisors and nobles. It gave Egwene political power as Amyrlin over the women only - the power an Amyrlin should have but Egwene didn't, but not absolute power. It was up to every woman who swore to decide when what Egwene asked fell under her authority and she went beyond these boundaries (they refused to tell her who the AH were notably - and she could not compel them to reveal it). Under Tower Law, Aes Sedai are already supposed to obey the orders of the Amyrlin, if they are lawful.

This is quite different from the fourth Oath Elaida had in mind, of complete obedience to herself, more or less the same oath the BA hunters used, which is essentially compulsion. All the AS could do would have been what Elaida didn't expressely forbid and what the three oaths don't stop. All she ordered they would have been bound to obey, however crazy, however unlawful, however disastrous. What Elaida had in mind would have destroyed the system of checks and balances of the Tower.
This message last edited by DomA on 10/12/2009 at 03:12:16 PM
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Egwene - hypocrite - 10/12/2009 01:20:24 PM 1517 Views
Re: Egwene - hypocrite - 10/12/2009 01:33:00 PM 1034 Views
Not the same at all really - 10/12/2009 02:12:36 PM 773 Views
How do you explain the BA Hunters? - 10/12/2009 02:21:28 PM 712 Views
I agree. - 10/12/2009 03:03:49 PM 675 Views
Agreed - 10/12/2009 04:01:40 PM 572 Views
Disagree - 10/12/2009 04:50:13 PM 657 Views
Just Agree to Disagree *NM* - 11/12/2009 12:53:46 PM 266 Views
What crime? Accepting her unethical promotions? Being afraid of the Hall's injustice? - 10/12/2009 03:51:05 PM 675 Views
Well... - 10/12/2009 03:58:48 PM 667 Views
Don't be ridiculous - 17/12/2009 12:05:46 PM 558 Views
But... - 10/12/2009 05:54:39 PM 547 Views
Let he who has no sin cast the first stone - 10/12/2009 04:34:06 PM 594 Views
Re: Let he who has no sin cast the first stone - 12/12/2009 12:41:33 PM 541 Views
Leane too - 13/12/2009 06:09:31 AM 529 Views
Not really - 10/12/2009 03:06:30 PM 648 Views
Really - 10/12/2009 04:52:10 PM 548 Views
Re: Really - 10/12/2009 11:56:30 PM 644 Views
Sure. - 10/12/2009 05:03:00 PM 523 Views
Actually, I agree. - 10/12/2009 06:47:22 PM 539 Views
I like Egwene - 10/12/2009 07:08:24 PM 590 Views
That really disappointed me. - 10/12/2009 07:29:14 PM 630 Views
funny, I'm more of the mind set that both groups were right - 11/12/2009 12:02:50 AM 560 Views
Not the problem. - 11/12/2009 12:13:26 AM 499 Views
I do agree with DomA and the others on the point that - 11/12/2009 07:13:31 AM 563 Views
Re: I do agree with DomA and the others on the point that - 11/12/2009 08:20:19 AM 621 Views
*shrugs* - 11/12/2009 02:06:47 PM 574 Views
You have no basis for that assertion. - 11/12/2009 07:12:03 PM 557 Views
Not really the case - 11/12/2009 07:20:43 PM 556 Views
They refuse to reveal the Ajah Heads to Egwene, despite her express orders. Doubt Meidani could... - 12/12/2009 09:44:23 AM 637 Views
Ah, true that. - 12/12/2009 07:20:04 PM 552 Views
Who said she wasn't wrong? - 12/12/2009 09:02:55 PM 530 Views
Re: Who said she wasn't wrong? - 13/12/2009 04:16:56 AM 565 Views
Re: Who said she wasn't wrong? - 13/12/2009 08:12:25 AM 600 Views
Re: Who said she wasn't wrong? - 13/12/2009 07:35:10 PM 517 Views
Re: Who said she wasn't wrong? - 13/12/2009 08:27:53 PM 509 Views
Not true. - 14/12/2009 02:41:28 AM 620 Views
I agree with most of your point - 10/12/2009 09:49:18 PM 642 Views
Fealty swearing sisters are no longer around... - 11/12/2009 12:57:49 AM 532 Views
Re: Fealty swearing sisters are no longer around... - 11/12/2009 07:18:33 AM 547 Views
The main differences between the two oaths - 10/12/2009 07:00:55 PM 760 Views
Of course she is a hypocrite - 11/12/2009 05:22:56 AM 564 Views
The same can be said of Nynaeve and Mat - 11/12/2009 07:20:47 AM 576 Views
Probably because they're all human - 12/12/2009 12:43:53 PM 500 Views
- 12/12/2009 04:05:13 PM 587 Views

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