Active Users:321 Time:28/09/2024 07:51:52 AM
Re: I am sure that there are Blue Blood damane darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 10/12/2009 12:53:13 AM
It is a society that horrifies our 21st C sensibilities. But between the common people preferring them (the Seanchan MUST be better than what the common folk had before...otherwise the people would not be so comfortable with them-in 'real' history conquering groups must be MUCH better for the commons to accept them openly), and the Tinkers flocking to them (in the AOL Tinkers flock to serve the pacifist AS), and no barriers to trade that I can see, the Seanchan are only inferior in the way they treat da'covale and channelers. Trust me,98% of the people who lived in pre-Rand Tear or Cairhein would prefer the Seanchan in a heartbeat over being 'peasants (re:slaves)' to their greety Lords.

and there were African American slaves who fought for the Confederacy... all the common folk have really had time to see of them is the martial law they have put into place so of course they are content. For most of these people Seanchan haven't had time to take a sister or aunt or cousin from their households and create a slave out of a family member.

I'm not advocating the horrible treatment the common folk of Tear received, but the Seanchan way isn't the answer either! Do you really think the Two Rivers people would be happier under Seanchan rule?
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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The Empress and the oath rod - 09/12/2009 07:25:36 PM 1071 Views
I think we already know Egwene's position on a "Fourth Oath" - 09/12/2009 08:17:11 PM 829 Views
Either that - 09/12/2009 11:08:55 PM 665 Views
I agree - 10/12/2009 11:22:49 AM 643 Views
Fortuona didn't save Egwene and a Fourth Oath to an Empress is worse than what Elaida wanted. - 09/12/2009 08:18:17 PM 620 Views
True, but... - 09/12/2009 10:02:13 PM 553 Views
So you advocate slavery? - 09/12/2009 11:12:29 PM 571 Views
C'mon! - 09/12/2009 11:43:44 PM 572 Views
The "Binder" is another form of Slavery. - 09/12/2009 11:54:51 PM 562 Views
Re: The "Binder" is another form of Slavery. - 10/12/2009 12:09:31 AM 638 Views
We have 2 major WoT societies where the channelers - 10/12/2009 12:15:58 AM 557 Views
Agreed on the Aes Sedai end!*NM* - 10/12/2009 12:28:06 AM 653 Views
Don't be so quick to judge these two societies yet. - 10/12/2009 05:06:33 AM 624 Views
Exactly *NM* - 10/12/2009 05:17:59 AM 235 Views
I am thinking about straight oath without WT training. - 09/12/2009 09:04:15 PM 663 Views
I Like This! *NM* *NM* - 09/12/2009 10:03:07 PM 241 Views
Or you could look to the organizations which have no "Binding" and no DFs - 09/12/2009 11:17:18 PM 514 Views
Re: Or you could look to the organizations which have no "Binding" and no DFs - 10/12/2009 12:00:03 AM 538 Views
I agree that there is no way the Seanchan are going to be able to change overnight - 10/12/2009 12:12:00 AM 494 Views
I am sure that there are Blue Blood damane - 10/12/2009 12:24:41 AM 517 Views
Re: I am sure that there are Blue Blood damane - 10/12/2009 12:53:13 AM 538 Views
Got me there!! - 10/12/2009 01:05:33 AM 453 Views
*NM* - 10/12/2009 01:24:51 AM 234 Views
I agree. - 10/12/2009 12:48:23 AM 511 Views
Of course not! - 10/12/2009 01:13:10 AM 521 Views
Phaw! Let them eat cake - 10/12/2009 01:27:32 AM 958 Views
Seekers shmeekers - 10/12/2009 03:12:31 AM 519 Views
LOL - 10/12/2009 06:38:04 AM 471 Views
When did Tuon save Egwene ? *NM* - 10/12/2009 11:49:29 AM 241 Views

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