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I think we already know Egwene's position on a "Fourth Oath" - Edit 1

Before modification by Light in the Night at 09/12/2009 08:18:42 PM

Does anyone think that Fortuona and Egwene could reach a compromise where the Seanchan release the damane to the Aes Sedai for training provided that the ex-damane take a fourth oath of fealty to the Empress? It seems unlikely now, but if Fortuona saves Egwene (again), might Egwene and her experience changes of heart? Fortuona will soon realize that circles are too powerful for individual damane to match, and it might occur to her that the oath rod is as good a leash as a leash. Better, she will not have to worry about renegade suldam.

A resounding "NO WAY". Egwene was against a fourth oath demanding obedience or fealty to the Amyrlin. How can you possibly think she would consider letting AS take an oath of fealty to the Empress? How could they do that and still maintain allegiance to the WT when their loyalties would be compromised?

I feel fairly confident that the Empire will see the Light and unleash female channelers before the series is over. Satelle Anan already started working on her, and I'm pretty sure this is why RJ sent her with Mat in the first place, otherwise, it was pointless for her to be there.

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