It comes right after Bayle Domon tells him it was made in the AoL, so therefore is "Aes Sedai work."
I always thought that it was simply Rand imagining it, as it was made by Aes Sedai, who he was brought up not to trust. i could be wrong though...
I don't recall anything similar ever being mentioned again, or any explanation being given.
I always thought that it was simply Rand imagining it, as it was made by Aes Sedai, who he was brought up not to trust. i could be wrong though...
I don't recall anything similar ever being mentioned again, or any explanation being given.
Hello everyone, been reading for a bit but never posting. Just thought i'd say that although Domon says that AOL QED= AS work I've always figured that things fro the AOL like this might just have been regular things made by non chanellers, all the descriptions from the AOL have always given me the impression that they had a level of tech far beyond what we can imagine. Not necessarily channelers. I don't know if I explained what i meant well?
Although of course I could be chatting shit, just like in real life...hmm...
Did we ever learn about Whitebridge?
01/09/2009 05:01:14 PM
Re: Did we ever learn about Whitebridge?
01/09/2009 05:30:43 PM
Re: Did we ever learn about Whitebridge?
01/09/2009 11:21:39 PM