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Re: Anything Jordan said regarding Asmo can be thrown out... darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 26/11/2009 12:48:30 AM
Anything Jordan said regarding Asmodean's fate can be thrown out the window IMHO.

It was not intuitively obvious even to the most casual observer. We knew that bela the horse existed in the story and so that alone should be enough evidence to convict her by Jordan's standard regarding Asmo.

No. Jordan loved throwing statements out about Asmo to drive the fans insane. No one can deny that he enjoyed watching us squirm over it.

It could be anybody that we saw in the story up to that point IMHO.

RJ never gave us total bull though, he honestly believed that we should have known who did it. Which is why I tend to believe it was Graendal, she had motive, and it's not a huge stretch to place her in the Palace. Slayer being the other most likely option IMO, which would require someone telling him that Asmo was with Rand or he would have had no reason to appear to kill him off.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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Why is the likelihood that Lanfear killed Asmodean based on Sanderson's new revelations? - 25/11/2009 11:10:15 PM 1810 Views
I don't believe Lanfear did it - 26/11/2009 12:36:48 AM 945 Views
Anything Jordan said regarding Asmo can be thrown out... - 26/11/2009 12:42:23 AM 1068 Views
Re: Anything Jordan said regarding Asmo can be thrown out... - 26/11/2009 12:48:30 AM 831 Views
Indeed - 26/11/2009 12:58:08 AM 1020 Views
The only "most cusual observer" was RJ - 26/11/2009 02:41:32 AM 874 Views
RJ's hint to the correct theory - 05/03/2010 01:52:31 PM 704 Views
Re: I don't believe Lanfear did it - 26/11/2009 12:44:53 AM 810 Views
I still have absolutely no idea who killed him... - 26/11/2009 12:58:34 AM 1025 Views
Small, but possible - 26/11/2009 01:16:13 AM 817 Views
Re: Why is the likelihood that Lanfear killed Asmodean based on Sanderson's new revelations? - 26/11/2009 02:36:38 AM 988 Views
Cyndane does mean "Last Chance" - 26/11/2009 05:06:00 AM 795 Views
Um, what about the Gholam? - 26/11/2009 05:55:06 AM 860 Views
The name "gholam" wasn't mentioned until LoC chap. 3 - 26/11/2009 09:33:54 AM 786 Views
I think... - 26/11/2009 03:44:00 PM 818 Views
"on Sanderson's new revelations?" Little. That she did it regardless? High. - 26/11/2009 04:50:49 PM 825 Views
Excellent to hear I'm not alone. - 26/11/2009 08:01:54 PM 761 Views

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