Active Users:390 Time:19/12/2024 02:07:05 PM
Yes you are right - Edit 1

Before modification by Sidious at 25/11/2009 07:00:43 AM

6. All scenes with Cadsuane. Except the one where she got told off by Rand. That was just about tolerable, but alas would not last.

7. That forkroot could be overcome by linking.

8. That we won't hear Lews Therin's voice again.

9. List of BA suddenly appears. Caesar orders proscriptions.

10. Yet again, Perrin achieves nothing.

What things irritated you in the book? I mean this strictly from a plot or character PoV, not inaccuracies or problems you had with Brandon's writing. Here are mine..

1. The Aes Sedai calling Nynaeve 'child'. It's so ridiculous that a woman who has accomplished so much is still being looked at as an Accepted.

2. Gawyn still not believing anyone that Rand didn't hurt his mother. Gareth was probably the fourth person to try and pursuade him.

3. The absence of Graendal on screen. In some ways this was her book, but she was absent.

4. Having once again heard no news on what Demandred is doing.

5. Bubbles of evil. They get in the way of everything. Go away.

That is all.

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