Active Users:1235 Time:23/02/2025 08:02:58 PM
wow.....just wow.... lodlom Send a noteboard - 19/11/2009 11:08:50 PM
I think I know what you mean. I loved the poem so much that I copied and saved it on my PC. No disrespect meant to copyright or anything to the author (Aneirin) - I hope it was ok to copy, and now repost it.

Posted on 4/28/2003
Footsteps in a Twisted Desert: A ballad of Tarmon Gai'don

Footsteps in a twisted desert
Voices in the clinging gloom
Armies march to face the coming
Of the Darkness and their doom

In their midst a man is riding
Man of granite? Harder still
Shaped to grimly face the grinding
Of the Wheel that weaves his will

Rand al’Thor, the reborn Dragon
Prince of Morning, Lord of Light
Leads his forces into battle,
Into Shadow, into Night

In the distance, torches burning
Numberless, a fiery lake
Reddish yellow flames conspiring
Mockery of dawn to make

Voices raised, a savage howling
Sounding ‘midst the garish flame
Pow’r of Shayol Ghul approaching
Bearing forth the Dark One's name

As they come the Dragon watches
Eyes surveying all around
Armies on the field deploying
This the chosen battleground

Aiel Spears and Seanchan Armour
White cloaked Children, Dragonsworn
Men from every land and nation
Come to face the Shadowspawn

Wolf and Eagle banners flying,
Shen an Calhar’s flag unfurled
Over all, a Dragon riding
Symbol of a changing world

Multitude of Trollocs nearing
Myrddraal in their thousands ride
Sulphur smell of Darkhounds pacing
Draghkar on the vapours glide

Wielders of the Power stirring,
Substance drawing from the void
Power shaped by thought responding
Weave and counter-weave employed

Arrows pierce the air in thousands
Trollocs charging shake the ground
Man and beast embraced by chaos
Fury’s visage, rage’s sound

At the clash of armies meeting
In the rear appears a Gate
One is seen to leave the battle:
Dragon leaves his friends to fate

Unafraid of duty’s burden
To the Pit of Doom alone
Come to face the Dark One’s power
Come to for the past atone

Three young mothers safe from battle
Feel the shift in Dragon’s mind
Know that he is not returning
Know they will be left behind

Entering the Dark One’s presence
Penetrating Shai’tan’s lair
Warding off the probing tendrils
Of the Presence dwelling there

Lightning raining down in torrents
Rolling rings of earth and fire
Any ground where shield has fallen
Swift becomes a funeral pyre

Now the Dark One shows his power
Greater than the Dragon, he
Voice inside of skull resounding

Wolf directs his packs in hunting
Gambler plays his games of chance
Generals on a hilltop watching
Jack among the shadows dance

Masterful, the sire of falsehood
Wraps his mind in dolorous chains
Fate of world and Wheel are nothing
Yet, one thing untouched remains

Overwhelmed by press of Trollocs
Here retreating, there they hold
Still, they teach the beasts to fear them
As was done in days of old

Not for any unborn stranger
Shai’tan’s will he dares defy
Duty turned to bitter ashes
For his love he dares to die

Aviendha joins the battle
Queen Elayne stirs Lion’s pride
Min with daggers both defending;
Desperate hope to turn the tide

Power pulsing, slowly building
From afar he starts to feel
Now the Dragon plays his gambit:
Now he breaks the final seal

Far away from battle’s tumult
Asha’man, Aes Sedai weave
Saidin, Saidar, mixed and mingled
Shai’tan from the world to cleave

Reaching out to guide the weaving
Hurling pow’r into the Bore
Sees it swept aside in triumph
By the Dark One, caged no more

Though for every soldier fallen
Seems a score of Trollocs lie
Still, they strive to win no longer,
Just to kill, until they die

Being of chaotic malice
Entity of utter pow’r
Loosing all against the Dragon
Would his very soul devour

Seanchan armour beaten, broken
Cloaks of white are dyed in blood
Aiel dance, but footsteps falter
Spears are washed away in flood

Shai’tan’s weight bears down upon him
Pain to all his being grind
Witlessly the Dragon fleeing
Through the caverns of his mind

Mirroring the bleeding desert
Colour stains the morning skies
Final Hunt for Wolf is over
Gambler rolls the Dark Ones eyes

Shai’tan tearing through the layers,
Tattered remnants soaked in pain
Through it all Lews Therin rages
Only madness keeps him sane

Aiel courage, final flaring
Lioness’ final roar
Daggers broken, wills defeated
Three young hearts are pained no more

Utter grief of broken bondings
This he grasps, a slender cord
Seeing for a moment clearly
Bares his mind, and Sheathes the Sword

Rand al’Thor the Dark One seizes
From the flesh his spirit rives
All his power to this exerted
Yet, a Dragon still survives

Saidin fills Lews Therin wholly
Wielded as a sword, to slice
Through the power exposed, extended;
Shai’tan’s fury pays its price

At the shock of pain, recoiling
Still by Dragon’s strength assailed
Even as his might he gathers
Knows he yet again has failed

Though the Dragon’s power retreating
Still, too much was Shai’tan slowed
While that distant power, directed
In to heal his prison, flowed

Of Lews Therin, wreathed in power,
Naught remains but fire and will
Even while the fire consumes him
No relent, he struggles still

Blood from under skin is squeezing
Red on black it paints the scene
Red, the faintest touch of dawning
Where the darkness long has been

Final play, the Shadow’s essence
Reaching out to Saidin’s source
Yet the interwoven powers
Dam the sickly river’s course

Now the cage complete, unbroken
Sealing in the Dark One there
Dragon hears a final echo,
Shai’tan’s cry of rage, despair

Solid light bears down upon him
Such as closed another Age
“Ilyena” whispered softly
No more grieving, no more rage

In its wake a mountain forming,
Tombstone for the Dragon’s grave
Monument to this the one
Who broke himself the world to save

Thus the Final Battle over
Still, the world not done with war
Times of turmoil yet approaching
Threatening the world once more

Heroes of the nations, fallen
Flower of an Age is gone
Who remains to shape the future?
Still the Pattern weaveth on.

To any (former?) wotmaniacs out there...

Does anyone either A) know the guy or B) happen to have the poem that he/she posted on wotmania back in the day?

If you read said poem, you will know what I'm talking about.
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That epic poem... - 18/11/2009 08:19:23 PM 944 Views
Re: That epic poem... i think I know what you mean. it's beautiful! - 19/11/2009 06:34:57 PM 773 Views
Holy... crap. That is AWE-some. - 19/11/2009 07:12:35 PM 740 Views
Wow! *NM* - 19/11/2009 07:14:33 PM 621 Views
Excellent - thanks for posting! *NM* - 19/11/2009 07:33:38 PM 744 Views
Yes! That is most definitely what I spoke of....Wonderful! *NM* - 19/11/2009 08:54:47 PM 289 Views
That was... EXCELLENT! - 19/11/2009 09:52:20 PM 724 Views
wow.....just wow.... - 19/11/2009 11:08:50 PM 692 Views
I forgot how amazingly epic and awesome this was *NM* - 20/11/2009 12:24:43 AM 300 Views
I hadn't read it before but it is very very very good. *NM* - 20/11/2009 11:43:22 AM 288 Views

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