Active Users:1309 Time:19/12/2024 11:16:26 AM
I think we can safely enough cut those parts out. RugbyPlayingAshaman Send a noteboard - 19/11/2009 03:15:44 PM
Honestly, I don't want to hear a voice over about how such and such is woolheaded or how men/women are impossible to understand. I actually think the series is uncomplicated in this regard and can translate easily to the screen. For example, we can remove the whole internal monologue about Graendal wanting to know where Demandred is and replace it with Graendal looking at him thoughtfully while sipping wine - you could interpret it any way you want.

"Dune", in contrast, has a lot more complicated thoughts going on in the characters' minds most of which is not revealed in dialogue or expression.
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
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Sanderson talking to the WoT movie people - 18/11/2009 03:31:53 AM 1596 Views
I cringe a little when I think about it - 18/11/2009 04:41:49 AM 888 Views
Re: I cringe a little when I think about it - 18/11/2009 05:32:06 AM 798 Views
Its too large - 18/11/2009 05:36:26 AM 680 Views
This is so depressing! Theoretically, this would be a huge, awesome thing - 18/11/2009 06:05:07 AM 888 Views
This is why I think it will be only one movie (or perhaps three) - 18/11/2009 06:18:39 AM 845 Views
I would rather they made Raymond E. Feist's "Magician" - 18/11/2009 12:58:54 PM 644 Views
This would rock *NM* - 18/11/2009 02:19:09 PM 318 Views
yep that whole series rocks - 20/11/2009 06:00:36 PM 673 Views
Actually, I thought - 21/11/2009 02:31:36 PM 607 Views
hehe yep - 22/11/2009 03:32:51 PM 596 Views
I quit somewhere in the krondor books. I might have finished Assasins - 22/11/2009 04:40:34 PM 623 Views
i dont think ive read all the in betweens - 22/11/2009 10:38:51 PM 622 Views
the conrad stargard series would make a good movie series too *NM* - 20/11/2009 06:01:10 PM 341 Views
I used to look forward to a movie based on the books. - 18/11/2009 02:00:30 PM 727 Views
Mini-Series!!!! - 18/11/2009 10:46:07 PM 588 Views
I really hope they go with animation or CGI - 19/11/2009 12:15:47 AM 1291 Views
I agree - 21/11/2009 03:00:05 AM 631 Views
All the characters do too much thinking - 19/11/2009 12:20:58 AM 861 Views
I think we can safely enough cut those parts out. - 19/11/2009 03:15:44 PM 673 Views
what I've heard him say - 19/11/2009 11:14:20 PM 716 Views
Ha. I don't think that's a problem. - 20/11/2009 06:20:00 PM 606 Views
they'll screw it up - 20/11/2009 05:59:31 PM 771 Views
If they can make 8 Potter movies... - 21/11/2009 01:24:43 PM 623 Views
Re: If they can make 8 Potter movies... - 21/11/2009 01:52:58 PM 753 Views
That's certainly right... - 21/11/2009 02:17:30 PM 820 Views
they should wait - 21/11/2009 02:34:38 PM 571 Views
SoIaF is being made into a movie? - 21/11/2009 03:46:08 PM 711 Views
AFAIK, it's only an adapted HBO series (Game of Thrones) in production still *NM* - 21/11/2009 10:23:14 PM 680 Views
Ah! OK, Thanks - 21/11/2009 11:20:59 PM 621 Views
nothing to see here move along now *NM* - 21/11/2009 11:24:53 PM 295 Views
stupid triple posts!!!!@#$%^&)_ *NM* - 21/11/2009 11:27:06 PM 286 Views
Into a HBO series, which is better - 28/11/2009 03:17:41 AM 786 Views
Hopefully it will work out. Wizard of Earthsea certainly didn't - 28/11/2009 03:42:33 AM 670 Views

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