Active Users:742 Time:24/02/2025 01:46:28 PM
He could. RJ stated it in a Q&A. Rand just couldn't bring himself to do it... Shannow Send a noteboard - 18/11/2009 09:45:18 PM

If Cyndane is rare, and if Nyneave is now stronger than Cyndane, then Nynaeve's strength would have been incredibly rare, even in the Age of Legends.

Which means for someone to be "considerably stronger than Nynaeve" would put them very high indeed.

You know, I just don't understand writers. If I wrote this series, I'd realize that lots of fans identify with Nynaeve as a key protagonist, and that the one thing that made Nynaeve special from the start, was her great strength in the Power.

To go and make some random Sea Fold girl as strong as her, and to make some random grandmother stronger than her, and then to go and make some random battle damane "considerably" stronger than her just dilutes Nynaeve's character so much.

It is stupid to do that.

That's basically like making Damer Flinn, Karldin Manfor and Mishraile stronger than Rand.

Why do that? It just pisses off the fans, and serves no purpose.

Nynaeve isn't just about strength. She's damned skilled. We saw that reinforced again in tGS.

She has invented weaves that defy the ability of even Egwene (probably one of the most skilled channelers we've seen) to comprehend.

Once Nynaeve gets the knowledge she needs and actually concentrates on her OP abilities (which she has rarely done, till now), she should probably be able to face Rand in battle if she has to.

And I think my (oft repeated) point that Alivia was only considerably stronger than Nynaeve's current strength in WH is now proved. No way in hell is Alivia more than a level (at most two) above Nynaeve, and no way is anyone higher than Alivia, if Nynaeve is such a big rarity.

Talaan herself may have to be placed lower. She's been channeling since she was 12, which means seven years of steady channeling, and not coddeld as Novices are. She may well have been at full potential in WH.

And that was before he was at his maximum strength.
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Thanks to Sanderson, we now have a DEFINITIVE female Forsaken strength list... - 18/11/2009 05:56:58 PM 2237 Views
Sounds good - 18/11/2009 06:08:15 PM 1126 Views
Re: Sounds good - 18/11/2009 06:12:53 PM 1199 Views
Re: Someryn - 18/11/2009 06:20:44 PM 1167 Views
I acknowledge that possibility... - 18/11/2009 06:24:30 PM 1068 Views
Someryn implies that Graendal is stronger. - 19/11/2009 01:51:31 PM 1173 Views
Excellent point...I'd forgotten about that... - 19/11/2009 02:00:30 PM 1089 Views
As I understand it... - 18/11/2009 06:23:26 PM 1173 Views
My view is that the new list is just a revised one, after RJ changed his mind on some things... - 18/11/2009 06:28:53 PM 1219 Views
Agreed. - 18/11/2009 06:31:22 PM 1033 Views
I suppose that's possible. *NM* - 18/11/2009 06:31:42 PM 831 Views
I agree with this interpretation on the new vs. old list - 18/11/2009 07:13:02 PM 1114 Views
Re: Sounds good - 18/11/2009 07:11:17 PM 1016 Views
Also, a couple more questions, if I may... - 18/11/2009 07:18:50 PM 1023 Views
Re: Also, a couple more questions, if I may... - 18/11/2009 07:23:45 PM 1045 Views
One problem... - 18/11/2009 06:10:06 PM 1221 Views
No... - 18/11/2009 06:14:48 PM 1123 Views
That's not a problem. - 18/11/2009 06:31:37 PM 1070 Views
Why on earth would there be multiple restrictions on Cyndane's strength? - 18/11/2009 06:47:56 PM 971 Views
Sorry buddy - 18/11/2009 07:36:00 PM 1097 Views
Re: Sorry buddy - 18/11/2009 09:49:01 PM 1014 Views
But Nynaeve and Mogheiden were of equal strength - 18/11/2009 06:15:52 PM 1255 Views
Nynaeve matched Moghedien when Nynaeve was not close to her full potential yet... - 18/11/2009 06:19:07 PM 1304 Views
I agree...and I have a question regarding Moghedien. - 18/11/2009 06:30:07 PM 1102 Views
Cyndane has to be above Graendal. *NM* - 18/11/2009 06:33:16 PM 608 Views
You're right. I'll post new list below. *NM* - 18/11/2009 06:39:36 PM 625 Views
Was she? Nyn was mid20s and a wilder, I thought she had reached full strength - 18/11/2009 08:00:24 PM 1158 Views
She really hasn't had that much time channelling though. - 18/11/2009 08:07:31 PM 817 Views
Wilders rarely reach their full potential if they're blocked. *NM* - 18/11/2009 08:43:30 PM 649 Views
I know the Cleansing forced her a bit. - 18/11/2009 08:44:59 PM 1098 Views
That's been said before- anyone know where it says that in the text? - 19/11/2009 05:53:50 AM 880 Views
More or less agreed. I was right about Nynaeve! - 18/11/2009 06:29:27 PM 1026 Views
IMO... - 18/11/2009 06:37:19 PM 1140 Views
I don't know... - 18/11/2009 06:56:10 PM 1011 Views
I still think Alivia is below Lanfear's strength level... - 18/11/2009 06:59:01 PM 1314 Views
That just doesn't make sense... - 18/11/2009 07:02:17 PM 1136 Views
I agree that Lanfear and Alivia are tied. *NM* - 18/11/2009 07:06:19 PM 633 Views
All of my instincts indeed argue that 4 of the Forsaken CANNOT be below Nynaeve, but... - 18/11/2009 07:06:25 PM 975 Views
But why doesn't it make sense? - 18/11/2009 08:47:42 PM 864 Views
I don't think... - 18/11/2009 07:08:09 PM 1197 Views
Damane never recieve special status... - 18/11/2009 08:52:32 PM 1008 Views
Good point... - 18/11/2009 09:00:51 PM 1029 Views
Thing is... - 18/11/2009 09:10:45 PM 1079 Views
Lanfear cannot even defeat Rand. Nynaeve wouldn't last a minute against him. - 18/11/2009 09:13:06 PM 1025 Views
And Rand couldn't defeat Lanfear. What's your point? - 18/11/2009 09:26:06 PM 862 Views
He could. RJ stated it in a Q&A. Rand just couldn't bring himself to do it... - 18/11/2009 09:45:18 PM 855 Views
My point was... - 18/11/2009 09:05:28 PM 1070 Views
I agree *NM* - 18/11/2009 09:10:46 PM 597 Views
If Tuon had the strongest... - 18/11/2009 09:12:22 PM 987 Views
Sera must be stronger... - 18/11/2009 09:25:00 PM 976 Views
There's no reason to be certain about it... - 18/11/2009 09:28:26 PM 1023 Views
Well, the Bloodknives are precisely Tuon's tools - 18/11/2009 09:32:46 PM 977 Views
There are SIX women stronger than Nynaeve, and at least five are accounted for... - 18/11/2009 09:46:28 PM 1038 Views
There are six stronger women named on the list - 19/11/2009 11:40:52 AM 1040 Views
I'm not ignoring Sera! - 19/11/2009 06:13:43 PM 901 Views
You misunderstand me... - 19/11/2009 06:16:31 PM 982 Views
I doesn't make "sense". Let's leave it... - 19/11/2009 06:19:52 PM 980 Views
But Alivia (while strong in the OP) is an old fraile lady on her deathbed. *NM* - 18/11/2009 09:41:33 PM 632 Views
Pardon? Don't understand this really. *NM* - 19/11/2009 11:45:21 AM 473 Views
You keep saying Alivia was "a common damane" - 28/11/2009 08:58:42 PM 836 Views
You were right about Nynaeve, I was right about Graendal! Well done! - 18/11/2009 06:37:42 PM 1118 Views
Yes. This is one WoT debate coming to a close... - 18/11/2009 06:54:06 PM 884 Views
I have one problem with your list. - 18/11/2009 06:36:02 PM 1076 Views
RJ said the Forsaken ALWAYS overrate themselves... - 18/11/2009 06:54:45 PM 939 Views
Mesaana is cold and calculating. - 18/11/2009 07:03:49 PM 990 Views
I'm sorry, but I find it mindblowing that you find this mindblowing. - 18/11/2009 06:36:37 PM 1021 Views
Some of us have been debating this for 5 years on Wotmania... - 18/11/2009 06:57:08 PM 1084 Views
I think it goes like this: - 18/11/2009 06:53:07 PM 1029 Views
There is a side effect to all of this rearrangement...we may have to rethink the wonder girls. - 18/11/2009 07:04:17 PM 1079 Views
We'll have to re-read the sections where Moghedien is captured. - 18/11/2009 07:08:07 PM 989 Views
Damn. That's a thought I definitely DON'T relish. Thankfully... - 18/11/2009 07:09:18 PM 1026 Views
Where does she say this? - 18/11/2009 08:54:39 PM 1039 Views
No, she explicitly refers to herself vs Moghedien... - 18/11/2009 09:01:53 PM 1037 Views
Here are the quotes... - 18/11/2009 09:24:24 PM 1050 Views
Oh come on. You're totally twisting that passage to suit your argument... - 18/11/2009 09:54:56 PM 944 Views
I could say the same... - 18/11/2009 10:50:44 PM 954 Views
So let me get this straight... - 19/11/2009 06:44:03 AM 966 Views
No... - 19/11/2009 07:37:29 AM 1028 Views
Look at it this way... - 19/11/2009 10:23:06 AM 997 Views
Dude, there were other quotes... - 19/11/2009 06:15:32 PM 906 Views
What about Sammael? The debate about Sammael and Rahvin has been decided now too. - 18/11/2009 08:03:35 PM 1071 Views
Totally disagree... - 18/11/2009 08:08:34 PM 1107 Views
Re: Totally disagree... - 18/11/2009 08:22:07 PM 1000 Views
Males likely go like this... - 18/11/2009 08:27:27 PM 970 Views
Dude, Rand is scared of Graendal... - 18/11/2009 09:05:28 PM 970 Views
Disagree... - 18/11/2009 09:09:45 PM 1073 Views
Disagree back... for the last time though... - 18/11/2009 09:39:25 PM 923 Views
About the top 6... - 18/11/2009 10:08:37 PM 1003 Views
And One Power Battles turn political on a regualr basis, do they? - 18/11/2009 10:54:35 PM 1062 Views
That's ridiculous... - 19/11/2009 07:19:08 AM 940 Views
Re: That's ridiculous... - 19/11/2009 08:08:14 AM 986 Views
Well... - 19/11/2009 10:29:45 AM 990 Views
This is getting idiotic... - 19/11/2009 06:19:08 PM 983 Views
Re: Dude, Rand is scared of Graendal... - 10/12/2010 07:31:18 PM 982 Views
If Rahvin were stronger... - 18/11/2009 08:59:32 PM 951 Views
Disagreement - 19/11/2009 01:39:49 AM 1081 Views
Some more from Brandon... - 19/11/2009 04:29:41 AM 985 Views
So we're back where we started? - 19/11/2009 04:56:36 AM 790 Views
Re: So we're back where we started? - 19/11/2009 05:18:15 AM 1074 Views
Someone must ask him: Is Cyndane one of the 6 above Nynaeve. - 19/11/2009 05:35:10 AM 935 Views
My opinion: down this path lies insanity. - 19/11/2009 02:53:59 PM 1019 Views
Thoughts - 19/11/2009 04:55:09 AM 1087 Views

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