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agreed and one more point amirebram Send a noteboard - 18/11/2009 02:09:41 AM
Rand must bind the "nine moons" not the "daughter of the nine moons"

I think that is the key to that prophecy
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Rand and Tuon - 31/10/2009 03:34:32 AM 1216 Views
Ta'veren - 31/10/2009 05:47:00 AM 763 Views
Basically what Sidious said - 31/10/2009 04:51:52 PM 639 Views
I thought he failed because of the ta'veren only working negatively for him for a while. - 31/10/2009 04:55:01 PM 613 Views
He was trying to force ta'vereness. - 31/10/2009 06:56:32 PM 579 Views
I should have known this wouldn't be about The Great Hunt... - 31/10/2009 06:10:49 AM 654 Views
You haven't read the book yet? *NM* - 31/10/2009 06:11:41 AM 265 Views
No. I haven't had the time. - 31/10/2009 07:14:08 AM 564 Views
Nah, it's just Sanderson isn't as subtle about the ta'veren. - 31/10/2009 04:56:15 PM 620 Views
It's the first time we've had someone else's PoV when ta'veren was trying to work. *NM* - 31/10/2009 09:39:38 PM 281 Views
Egwene in LoC is a very specific example. - 01/11/2009 05:57:43 PM 649 Views
I really think this was something different - 01/11/2009 04:58:37 PM 531 Views
I highly doubt it was ta'veren effect... It was an effect of the Dark One I say - 01/11/2009 06:16:38 PM 618 Views
agreed and one more point - 18/11/2009 02:09:41 AM 494 Views
compare: - 03/11/2009 05:07:56 AM 586 Views
You can't just shake compulsion on the spot - 04/11/2009 05:41:03 AM 447 Views
I think... - 03/11/2009 10:20:55 AM 570 Views

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