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Shara's Ayyad are still more likely IMO Lord Haart Send a noteboard - 17/11/2009 05:30:06 AM
They have more references in the text, as well as one of the longest entries in the Glossary, which speaks extensively about the Ayyad (channelers). Because the Ayyad are "purebreed" channelers, it seems likely that they will be VERY strong at channeling - perhaps of equal strength to the Aes Sedia from the AoL.

At the same time, I think Demandred is also using proxies to the south - I think Masema and Asunawa are examples, and he might also have some influence with the Sea Folk, who seem to have two major factions right now.

And let us not forget that Taimandred has never been truly put to rest - RJ could easily have been joking with fans just to create more surprise. Taim seems too confident to be anything less than a Forsaken.
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Demandred and the far, far South... - 16/11/2009 10:08:35 PM 1022 Views
I doubt it, honestly. - 16/11/2009 10:40:45 PM 590 Views
Re: Demandred and the far, far South... - 16/11/2009 10:53:05 PM 565 Views
Land of Madmen could be intro'd easily, but incorporated awkwardly - 16/11/2009 11:36:17 PM 644 Views
The Land of Madmen was already introduced in TGS, silly - 17/11/2009 03:49:42 AM 610 Views
Shara's Ayyad are still more likely IMO - 17/11/2009 05:30:06 AM 635 Views
Nah, LoM is much bigger and inhabited - it's a continent - 17/11/2009 04:48:19 PM 713 Views
It is the smallest of continents and.. - 17/11/2009 08:17:30 PM 477 Views
I thought it was mentioned in TGS. - 17/11/2009 05:08:55 AM 501 Views
While it would be cool in a way... - 17/11/2009 04:57:45 PM 491 Views
About Murandy - 17/11/2009 05:33:54 PM 479 Views
Well... - 17/11/2009 06:06:31 PM 470 Views

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