My ma always told me, whenever you want to criticize something or someone, always start with the good things you have to say.
So, being an obedient daughter, here goes the complements: first and foremost, the Gathering Storm really feels like a WoT book, and, in my opinion, that's the highest praise Brandon Sandarson could have wished for. Further more, it feels like one of the old wot books, when events sweeps you in, and you can't wait to turn the page. I mean, stuff happens! Loose ends are tied, time is moving forward so for the first time I could actually sense that the end of the series is upon us. Also, I loved it that the book re-focused on the main characters, mostly Rand and Egwene, but also Mat and Perrin, most of the time telling the story from their point of view, and of the point of view of those around them.
Still, I did expect for at least one more major event to happen, and yes, I am talking about the too-long-awaited Moiraine rescue, but not just. Rand and Egwene had had their fair share of both action and character development, Mat and Perrin – not so much.
Which brings me to the thing that bugged me the most: the behind-our-backs Morgase identity revelation and (I presume, since no body bothered telling us about it!) her reunion with Galad. It is a almost 800 pages book, and you couldn't find a mere 15 pages to describe an event that was bound to happen for so long?? Maybe it's just the part in me that enjoys a little well-written melodrama speaking, but that makes me feel like a child who got robed of a beloved treat. Oh, it feels good to get that of my chest ?
Other than that, there were a few minor things that bothered me, all to be expected in the unfortunate circumstances: Some of the characters, those who don't have a strongly distinctive voice (which mean, not Nynaeve), just don’t sound like themselves, or react the way you'd think they would. I felt this mostly regarding Min. Also, is it just me or has everybody in the book are more outspoken that usual? And is it just a coincidence that every person that had ever encountered with Moiraine suddenly has an urge to reminisce over her?
Having that said I just want to emphasize that I thought the book was very-very good, and that I enjoyed a lot.
So, being an obedient daughter, here goes the complements: first and foremost, the Gathering Storm really feels like a WoT book, and, in my opinion, that's the highest praise Brandon Sandarson could have wished for. Further more, it feels like one of the old wot books, when events sweeps you in, and you can't wait to turn the page. I mean, stuff happens! Loose ends are tied, time is moving forward so for the first time I could actually sense that the end of the series is upon us. Also, I loved it that the book re-focused on the main characters, mostly Rand and Egwene, but also Mat and Perrin, most of the time telling the story from their point of view, and of the point of view of those around them.
Still, I did expect for at least one more major event to happen, and yes, I am talking about the too-long-awaited Moiraine rescue, but not just. Rand and Egwene had had their fair share of both action and character development, Mat and Perrin – not so much.
Which brings me to the thing that bugged me the most: the behind-our-backs Morgase identity revelation and (I presume, since no body bothered telling us about it!) her reunion with Galad. It is a almost 800 pages book, and you couldn't find a mere 15 pages to describe an event that was bound to happen for so long?? Maybe it's just the part in me that enjoys a little well-written melodrama speaking, but that makes me feel like a child who got robed of a beloved treat. Oh, it feels good to get that of my chest ?
Other than that, there were a few minor things that bothered me, all to be expected in the unfortunate circumstances: Some of the characters, those who don't have a strongly distinctive voice (which mean, not Nynaeve), just don’t sound like themselves, or react the way you'd think they would. I felt this mostly regarding Min. Also, is it just me or has everybody in the book are more outspoken that usual? And is it just a coincidence that every person that had ever encountered with Moiraine suddenly has an urge to reminisce over her?
Having that said I just want to emphasize that I thought the book was very-very good, and that I enjoyed a lot.
The Gathering Storm user reviews
18/10/2009 08:39:01 AM
Chapter Titles
20/10/2009 01:46:16 PM
My speculation on chapter titles
20/10/2009 08:25:02 PM
I'm hoping that chapters 4-6 involve shadowspawn on the rampage.
21/10/2009 02:11:24 AM
Here are the PoVs, but not matched (still, enter at own risk)
21/10/2009 05:45:51 AM
Re: Here are the PoVs, but not matched (still, enter at own risk)
21/10/2009 05:48:48 AM
Re: Here are the PoVs, but not matched (still, enter at own risk)
21/10/2009 07:00:38 AM
Re: Here are the PoVs, but not matched (still, enter at own risk)
21/10/2009 04:49:45 PM
My (spoiler-free) review
21/10/2009 05:20:47 AM
Re: My (spoiler-free) review
21/10/2009 10:17:48 AM
I would say I have no clue and I disagree 100% with Pat
21/10/2009 07:43:13 PM
Pat seems like a hardcore books 1-5 are amazing!!!111one and everything else stinks.
21/10/2009 10:04:40 PM
Sparring is not determinitive of who's better, only real combat does.
22/10/2009 03:44:58 AM
Re: Sparring is not determinitive of who's better, only real combat does.
22/10/2009 05:32:33 PM
Re: Sparring is not determinitive of who's better, only real combat does.
31/10/2009 08:05:51 PM
Re: Pat seems like a hardcore books 1-5 are amazing!!!111one and everything else stinks.
22/10/2009 07:56:46 AM
Re: Pat seems like a hardcore books 1-5 are amazing!!!111one and everything else stinks.
23/10/2009 01:26:09 AM
This is not a full review, but a commentary that might give some a hint to what happens(ed) to Rand
22/10/2009 12:14:33 AM
Was it well done? *NM*
22/10/2009 03:14:25 AM
I thought so
22/10/2009 03:22:30 AM
Is it a Seanchan prophecy or is it a prophecy quoted by the Seanchan
22/10/2009 03:47:45 AM
My full review is now up
27/10/2009 04:07:59 AM
Is the url correct? *NM*
27/10/2009 04:23:09 AM
It is now
27/10/2009 04:28:34 AM
feel free to link my reviews whenever you like *NM*
27/10/2009 04:30:56 AM
All in all, Very good. But... (spoilers!!)
14/11/2009 07:09:13 PM