Naeff and his Aes Sedai, Nelavaire Demasiellin. Are they part of the group sent by the rebels to bond Asha'man? If so, how does this square with the disappearance of Myrelle, Nisao, Faolain and theodrin?
And his Aes Sedai was one of the Tower Aes Sedai sent to destroy the BT, and he bonded her. Though, that's pretty much all speculation, so if anyone has hard evidence feel free to correct me.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
14/11/2009 01:45:42 AM
I think that Naeff is one of Logain's Asha'man
14/11/2009 02:44:22 AM