One of the things iv been thinking about recently is with the last battle coming, in what ways we could see the one power used in battle scenes, I think iv thought of a very inventive way of killing lots of people very fast. Iv been thinking of gateways and how to kill channellers quick. Anyway here's my idea!
Open up a very small inverted gateway or gateways above an army in the sky, first though the gateway would be inverted invisibility in front of it and open the gate some more once that's in place, then with linked channellers (as many as possible) create inverted very large Blossoms of fire) and drop them down! this in effect would mean complete stealth and it would mean no one would see and only hear it coming, instant destruction like a A bomb going off if many gateways above doing the same and no one gets out alive unless their really fast and really lucky..i would love to see some kind of set up like that happening in the books, by either side, it would be real nasty
Also since trolloc's hate water, open massive gateways in front on one of their armies and let the sea or some other massive body of water pour in!
anyone else got some inventive way that they have thought of and would be cool or should i say real evil to see in the books?
Open up a very small inverted gateway or gateways above an army in the sky, first though the gateway would be inverted invisibility in front of it and open the gate some more once that's in place, then with linked channellers (as many as possible) create inverted very large Blossoms of fire) and drop them down! this in effect would mean complete stealth and it would mean no one would see and only hear it coming, instant destruction like a A bomb going off if many gateways above doing the same and no one gets out alive unless their really fast and really lucky..i would love to see some kind of set up like that happening in the books, by either side, it would be real nasty
Also since trolloc's hate water, open massive gateways in front on one of their armies and let the sea or some other massive body of water pour in!
anyone else got some inventive way that they have thought of and would be cool or should i say real evil to see in the books?
using the one power as a wepon
13/11/2009 02:23:39 PM