Perrin and Mat's timeline in the TGS significantly differ from Rand and Egwene's (up to a month behind). I suspect that the beginning of TOM will catch us up. Sanderson has indicated there will be overlap.
There's just too much going on in this reunion to be done off-screen. BS had to bring Perrin's timeline forward to pull-off Tam's meeting with Rand, so he gave us a tease.
I think what caught my eye was Tam's seeming familiarity with Elayne. (IMO, when you name-drop like that, it indicates knowledge about someone/something. Seemed like it was conversation material, at any rate.) It got me wondering if Perrin and/or Nynaeve told him about their relationship.
Where once was Shadow
Now reigns Light
Darkness fades
Into the Night
I made the switch!
Now reigns Light
Darkness fades
Into the Night
I made the switch!
Wondering if I missed the meeting (EDIT)
12/11/2009 10:09:30 AM
I think Perrin will be joining Rand, wherever he decides to go next *NM*
12/11/2009 10:21:46 AM